Thursday, 29 November 2018

Geekerella - Book Review


To start off this geek blog I want to start with a review of the book that inspired this blog's name, and that book is Geekerella by Ashley Poston.

WARNING:  Some of what I say here may be considered a spoiler.  I'm not going to ruin anything big here, just hint at things from the book.  But if you want to go into reading Geekerella without any bias, then please stop reading now.


So, when you hear the name you are probably thinking what I'm thinking,  that it's another stereotypical Cinderella story, probably a teen romance, and is probably geeky in nature.  And to that you would be correct.  I bought this book on a whim with some Christmas money, and when I finally got around to reading it I admit wasn't that excited.  But that changed once I started getting into the book.

To start off I want to say I LOVE this book!!!

The story follows the stereotypical Cinderella story, so if you've seen the Disney version then you already know the main plot points and the main characters of the story.  What I love about Geekerella though is that you also get the perspective of the prince, something that is very much lacking in most Cinderella stories, and I think this adds a layer of depth to the story and the romance.  It's no longer just a prince falling in love with a pretty girl at the ball, the "prince" and "cinderella" actually develop a relationship and fall in love throughout the story.  This added layer to the story adds to the unique-ness in my opinion that makes it different from the standard Cinderella telling.

The story is also a stereotypical teen romance story.   Boy and girl meet, and there is some hate, but there is also some love, and they are in a situation where they get to know each other and eventually fall in love.  In the end boy gets girl.   It's sappy and cheesy at times, but I'm also a sucker for a good romance story.  If you are too then you will also enjoy this book. If cheesy romance isn't your thing, then this might not be the best book for you.

If you haven't already figured it out, the story is also set in modern day.  It makes it interesting for the Cinderella story aspect because in the modern day modern world we live in magic doesn't exist (at least not that I'm aware of).  So when it comes to things like the "fairy godmother" and the "magic pumpkin" and going to a ball, they are changed and put into the context of our modern world that makes sense for our every day lives, but also still makes sense with the traditional ideas in the Cinderella story.

Finally, in the usual fashion of saving the best for last, is the geeky aspect of the story.  This is what made this book so amazing and is a book that any geek should read.  The story revolves around a fictional Sci-fi show called Starfield.  Based on the way that Starfield is described it sounds like it's part Star Wars and part Star Trek, with a bit of Firefly mixed in.  "Cinderella" is a huge fan of the series, meanwhile the prince is also a fan and is also a big movie star that will be playing the main character in the movie reboot of Starfield.  Through these characters and their relationships with those around them you get to learn a bit about the show, but more importantly it shines a light on geek culture.   The good, the bad, and then ugly is all in there.  There were definitely a few points in the book, when you see geeks at their finest, and I started crying while I was reading it.  Like real tears running down my face and happy sobbing crying.  My face wasn't pretty but those moments were so amazing.  The phrase "We're all geeks here" still gets me choked up just thinking about that scene in the book.   It is very clear that the author is a true geek herself because she seamlessly uses geek references to Dr. Who, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Star Trek, and Firefly, just to name a few.   It takes a geek or a nerd to fully enjoy and appreciate this story for all the well placed references the author has put in there. It was all these references that made the book so enjoyable for me.  I feel as if I was sitting and talking with a fellow geek.  Someone who understood me and could relate to me and loves all the same things I love.   And all of it wrapped in a fairy tale that makes me believe in true love and magic.

So, to end this off, I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who feels they are a geek or a nerd.   This stereotypical fairy-tale romance set in modern day geek culture will make you proud to be a geek or nerd and have you believing in true love in the modern age.

If you would like to know more about this book or author you can visit the author's webpage:

As for how this book inspired my blog, that is two fold.   In the story "Cinderella" has a Starfeild blog and early on in the story she makes a post that goes viral.  It reminded me of the power of social media which was the kick in the butt I needed to get on here and start my own nerd blog.  The second is the name. "Look to the Stars. Aim. Ignite!" is an important phrase from the fictional Starfield TV show and fandom.  But I LOVE this phrase because it reminds me of my favourite quote "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you'll land among the stars."  I find the Starfield version to be very inspiring and it's what I want to do with my blog here.  I'm hoping that someday my blog will become popular or even go viral and that I can become a professional cosplayer.  With my passion ignited I aim for the stars and hope to achieve my dream.  Come along with me on my journey!

Thanks for reading!  <3

Attentea Danaxam