Tuesday, 30 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 30

Whew, what a month it has been with writing poetry every day.  While it has been a challenge some days, it's also been really fun!  It was great to get back into poetry which is something I really loved when I was younger, and I'm surprised how easily it all came back to me even after all these years.
The prompt for today was to write a minimalist poem, haikus are a well known example of this.  Given that my month of poetry started with me writing haikus I find it very fitting, and full-circle, that the month should end with haikus, which is one of my favourite poetry styles.

Today my thoughts are swimming with The Way of Kings by Sanderson.  The book has really gotten good and there have been little tidbits of info on the bigger picture that is taking place, which really has me interested. So many thoughts and theories swimming around in my head.  I decided to create a haiku about it for today's poem.

Stormlight Archive thoughts
Messages from the unknown
Odium draws near

And as a special thanks to everyone who have been reading my poems this past month, one last haiku to end it off:

One month of poems
What a delight it has been!
Sad to have it end

Thanks again for reading!  I hope you enjoyed this crazy month of poems.
Attentea Danaxam

Monday, 29 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 29

The poetry prompt for today was all about emotion and analyzing emotions.  My mind kept wandering to Disney's Inside Out movie, so I decided that it was probably easiest to use that as inspiration for the poem today. As for what style to do, for most of the month I tried really hard to stay away from styles of poetry that I used a lot in grade school when I last wrote a lot of poems.  This included acrostic poems.  I guess I thought of them as childish and simple, but now that the month is almost over I realized that I should give this poetry style its turn and so I used the 5 emotions for Inside Out as the words for the poem, and then filled each one with things that make me feel that way.  Enjoy!

Just cuddling a panda
Observing a colourful sunset
Yellow clothing and shoes

Seeing a favourite character die in a movie
A family pet that passes away
Dear friend who moves to another city
Not being able to go to a convention
Erasing important digital files by accident
Soggy rainy weather for days on end
Spraining my ankle tripping over a sidewalk

Another day of eating boring sandwiches for lunch
Not getting any help with household chores
Getting home late because the bus was caught behind a traffic accident
Egocentric managers in the workplace
Rules that prevent me from being myself and allowing me to fill my world with joy

Fuzzy spiders crawling up the walls
Eerie shadow monsters that come out when I turn off the lights
Acrophobia, the fear of heights
Regretting that I did not try something when I had the chance

Dirty bathrooms
In a pot is the water from boiling hot dogs
Slimy seafood
Gutted fish sitting on ice for sale
Ugly itchy stained clothing
Soggy feet in soaked shoes that squish when I walk
Taste of mushrooms

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

Sunday, 28 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 28

Today's prompt was a really fun one.  Write a meta-poem, which is a poem about poetry.  I actually found this prompt really easy, the words the flowed to me without much thought at all.  Only the last line of the limerick did I really have to think about what to write.  Perhaps my head was in a weird place after reading more Way of Kings by Sanderson, or perhaps this topic of poetry is just natural for me, either way I hope you enjoy today's meta-poem.


I use to think that poems had to rhyme
That's how I did it all the time

Then haikus I learned
No more rhymes but syllables
Drive this poem style

Then I learned the limerick style
I found it challenging, it took me a while
With paper and pen
I would sit there and then
Words flowed out to the page, no denial

Free verse was next
A style that always felt awkward to me.
Like fragments of ideas
Spattered around
Trying to paint a picture of life.

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

Saturday, 27 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day27

The prompt for today was all about Shakespear sonnets and playing around with them.  While I have studied Shakespear, it's only been his plays, not his sonnets, so I really had nothing to go on for the prompt today.
Instead inspiration came from reading more Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson.  There was a line about women being sweet, colourful, and delicious, just like jam. lol  It inspired me to write a poem about the leading ladies of Sanderson books that I have read and loved.  So hope you enjoy today's poem!

Ladies of Sanderson

Lowly skaa, lowly thief
Abandoned by her brother, nothing more to life
But one saw her potential, and one loved her as she was
To raise her up and find her strength
To change the world forever
As Preservation's hand

Princess of Teod, bride of Raoden
Alone in Arelon, here to make it better
Raise up the commoners, give aid to the Elantrians
What ever became of Raoden?
Stop the war and save her home old and new
To witness the return of Elantris' might

Princess of Idrian, Godking's bride
Here to bear a son, unite their nations
Rebellious and colourful, love of life
Learns the Godking's secret and earns his love in return
A new secret they share together
And stop the war on her home

The scholar with the heart of a thief
Journeying far and risking all for her family
Keen of mind and sharp of tongue
Not at all proper for a young lady
Hair as red as jam, and just as sweet
Bearer of a Shardblade

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

Friday, 26 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 26

Today's poetry prompt is to use repetition.  Repetition is something that I use a lot of in my poetry writing, along with symmetry.  So I wanted to do something different, something more, with the idea of repetition.  The inspiration for today's poem came from the Legend of Zelda games.  The basic idea behind the whole series is that when Hyrule (or other lands) are in danger, the hero of courage will always rise up to save the day.  Repetition.  This became the basis of my poem so I hope you enjoy traveling along with me and the Hero of Courage as he one again saves the land.   Enjoy!

The Hero of Courage

I met an old man in a cave today.
It's dangerous to go alone, here take this.
I must defeat Ganon and save Zelda.
The hero of courage rises again.

A mark appears on the back of my hand
I'm told to seek out the triforce of courage
I must find it to wake Zelda and save Hyrule
The hero of courage rises again.

A call from Zelda wakes me from my sleep
Agahnim wishes to steal the crown and Ganon has corrupted the Sacred Relm
Both must be defeated to bring peace to Hyrule
The hero of courage rises again.

Sailing the ocean a big storm hits
Marin finds me washed up on the shore
The Wind Fish sleeps in the egg on the mountain
The hero of courage rises again.

A boy with no fairy becomes a man with a sword in the blink of an eye
Princess Zelda gives her orcarina to aid me
Ganondorf must be stopped to save Hyrule
The hero of courage rises again.

In a forest the Skull kid curses me; a deku scrub
A mysterious village on the other side
The moon is falling!
The hero of courage rises again.

The triforce calls me to Holodrum and Labrynna
With rod of seasons and harp of ages I repair the lands
Twinrova will not succeed this day
The hero of courage rises again.

Green clothes from my grandmother
Pirates help save my captured sister
Ganondorf the true threat once released
The hero of courage rises again.

A simple ranch worker in Ordon
Darkness descends upon the land, a twlight spirit my only guide
The land of Hyrule must be saved
The hero of courage rises again.

The Wing Ceremony on the floating sky isle
Zelda speaks of lands below the clouds
Ghirahim and the Imprisoned must be stopped
The hero of courage rises again.

100 years asleep, where am I?
What am I doing? What is that voice?
Calamity Ganon circles the palace, darkness for Hyrule a moment away.
The hero of courage rises again.

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

Thursday, 25 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 25

Today's prompt I thought was interesting as it had three parts to it, all of which seemed simple enough.  One, it needs to be specific to a season, two, have imagery that relates to all five senses, and three, includes a rhetorical question. 
That last one I found a little tricky, but the other two came quite naturally from the the inspiration I had for today's poem.   Lately I've been thinking about the pokemon hoppip, skiploom, and jumpluff. I have cosplays for these pokemon and I thought it would be a cool idea to take photos of the hoppip cosplay in the spring, skiploom in the summer, and jumpluff in the fall.  Well right there gave me an idea for the poem today.   So I hope you enjoy going through the warmer seasons of the year through the life of a hoppip.

Spring has arrived!
The songs of birds fill the air
Thick with the scents of fresh blooms
See the hoppips dance on the breeze
As the taste of the fresh sprouts in my salad
Remind me of the soft touch of the new grass

The long days of summer extend
Crickets chirp the long hours
As the humidity from a recent storm fills my nose
See the lazy skiploom float with the flowers
As the taste of fresh berries fill my mouth
And makes me crave cake as soft as the clouds above

Cool days of fall blow in
Crunching fallen leaves beneath my feet
The smell of a crisp evening lingering around
See the jumpluff twirling in the leaves
As the taste of apple cider warms my bones
From the coming chill rough as the tree bark around me

How do I learn the dance of the seasons
So that I may join you in your joy?

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 24

Today’s prompt is to write a poem that is inspired by a reference book. Locate a dictionary, thesaurus, or encyclopedia, open it at random, and consider the two pages in front of you to be your inspirational playground for the day.
I took a bit of a twist on this, in that I based my poem on a word from the current book I'm reading: The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. Yesterday there was a really awesome passage in the book and I wanted to use it for my poem today. It may not be a reference book, but I think this poem still has a similar feel as if I had opened a dictionary. Enjoy!


To have confidence in what you say
That is a good thing
But what if there is too much?
Blind belief in what you are saying

To know what you are talking about
You've researched all the facts
But what if your knowledge is lacking?
Blind belief in what little you know. 

Climate change
Health and Wellness


Errorgant:  "it means to be twice as certain as someone who is merely arrogant, while possessing only one-tenth the requisite facts."   ~The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam 

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 23

Today's prompt should have been super easy for me.  Write a poem about an animal.  I LOVE pandas so I probably could write a poem about pandas in my sleep.  Alas, today I was feeling very scatter-brained and distracted and busy with other things so I wasn't able to write a work of art poem about pandas.  I was able to write a few lines though, so please enjoy what I was able to come up with in the few moments when the creative spark hit me. 

Soft paws, cuddly fur
Rolly-poly all a blur

Munching munching on bamboo
Sleep, the only other thing to do

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

Monday, 22 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 22

The prompt for today is to write a poem that engages with another art form.  Well right now I have cosplay on the brain with the local comic-con later this week.  Thinking about it I realized that cosplay is an art as well, though not often thought of one.  The amount of time and effort that goes into each cosplay makes each costume a masterpiece.  So today's poem is dedicated to all the cosplayers out there.  Keep on doing what you are doing!  Enjoy!


The first step is the perfect picture of the character
One with the right colours
One that has a great pose for photos
One showcasing the details just right

Next comes the creative search for materials on a shoestring budget
Raiding thrift stores
Fabric store sales
The lucky find at the dollar store

Now the creation process
Carefully getting the pieces together
Cutting and sewing
Undoing stitches and re-doing
It must be perfect

Busy right now, but there's still lots of time to get this done. 
Until there's not
Oh no! The con is tomorrow!

Staying up late, slaving into the night
Needles and thread
Hot glue guns
Slop on some paint
Please stay together!
The mad rush of creation to the finish line.

The day of the convention.
This will have to do. 

"Can I take your picture?"
"Love your cosplay!"
"You look amazing!"

The blood, sweat, and tears was worth it. 
Time to begin another. 

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

Sunday, 21 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 21

Prompt: Today, I’d like to challenge you to write a poem that incorporates wild, surreal images. Try to play around with writing that doesn’t make formal sense, but which engages all the senses and involves dream-logic.
This one was tricky.  I had trouble finding any ideas or inspiration for this one as writing weird dream like poems or stories is not really my thing.  I've never been a big fan of Alice in Wonderland.  So it took a while for me to find an idea.   Ultimately the inspiration for this poem came to me when I lied down with my notebook and pen, among some of my panda plush toys and a bowl of jelly beans because we were celebrating easter with a jelly bean party.  I know it's sounds weird and childish but hey, it's fun and I love it.   Then it hit me, with the right wording this panda jelly bean party could become the weird dream-like surreal poem I needed for today.  And so I wrote.  Please join me in the bamboo forest for jelly bean party!  Enjoy!

Panda Jelly Bean Party

The pandas gather in the bamboo forest today
For today is easter! Jelly bean party day!

Smells of fruit and sweets fill the air
As jelly beans tumble and bopple around
Into the bowl
Paws dig in

Strawberry jam and chocolate pudding sing songs
Of PB & J that might have been
Faces twist when sour green apple and sour red cherry 
Meet in the grove
Bubble gum burst in loud bangs as popcorn and toasted marshmallow
Chase into abyss

For today is easter, the day of the jelly bean picnic!
Come tutti-fruiti with the orange and the lemon
And let your heart give in to joy. 

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

Saturday, 20 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 20

Today's prompt is about writing a poem using language as it is spoken, rather than the grand and dramatic speech that is often used in a play or monologue.  My inspiration for this poem came from one of the prompt's suggestions which was to use something from a conversation you have.  Well I was out running an errand today and this thought process went through my head and I thought it was perfect for a poem.  Hope you enjoy and get a little insight into what women may think while they are out shopping.

Shopping Trip

OMG! They have a bright pink blazer!
Double breasted boyfriend style, will that look good on me?
I just gotta try it on!

It will pair perfectly with my pink blouse, the one with the little rainbows on it. 
And my red dress pants!
No... that would be too much. 
Black pants?
No... too boring. 
Navy blue pants! Yes! That would be the perfect outfit. 

Or better yet, a cute skirt!
I'm going to be the talk of the office. 

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

Friday, 19 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 19

Today's poetry prompt is to write an abecedarian poem, which is a poem that uses the letters of the alphabet in order in one way or another.  I didn't even know this type of poem existed until today's prompt.  So here is my ABCDarian poem about the Kingdom Hearts games.  Enjoy!

Aqua fell into darkness trying to save her friends
Beyond their island is where young Sora and Riku wished to go
Call on your friends when you need strength, they are your power
Dream eaters feast on the dreams in our sleep
Eraqus, the master who trained Aqua, Terra, and Ventus
Fighting the darkness to save Kingdom Hearts
Guiding key, may your heart be
Heartless are born from the darkness in people's hearts
If the person is strong-willed then a nobody also forms
Joined by Donald and Goofy, Sora travels the worlds
Kairi waits for Sora's return
Lea plays with fire and wants to save his friends
Mickey aids the heroes to defeat the darkenss
Nobody of Sora created is Roxas
Organization 13 created to find thirteen darknesses
Paopu fruit shared connects destinies
Question all that you see for not all is as it seems
Riku walks the path between darkness and light
Sora is the key that connects them all
Terra, his body taken over and will left to linger
Unversed are the beings born from negative emotions
Ventus, the boy with the broken heart
Witch they sometimes call her, but Namine is her name
Xehanort, the heart of darkness behind it all
Yen Sid is an old wizard who guides the seven lights
Zion, the puppet made from Roxas memories from Sora.

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

Thursday, 18 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 18

Today's prompt is to write an elegy, but one that uses physical description to portray sadness rather than abstract ideas.  The inspiration for this poem came from my grandparents.  While I have lost many people over the years, the lost of my mom's parents saddened me the most so this poem is for them.

The passing of my grandfather left an empty space in our home. 
An empty cookie jar
Empty workshop no longer filled with metal bars and wood
Old tools abandoned
No more discussions about gears and springs and the excitement that brings. 

The passing of my grandmother left a hole in our lives.
An empty rocking chair
Empty kitchen no longer filled with smells of soup and jelly rolls
Beautiful pins abandoned
No more discussions about the heavens and how wonderful it was that I studied them. 

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 17

Today's poetry prompt is to present a scene from an usual point of view.  Since I have comic conventions on my brain I decided to use that as inspiration for my poem today.   Also, I saw online that today is national haiku day.  So the end result here is a series of haikus describing a comic convention from an unusual point of view.  Let's see if you can guess who/what the subject of the poem is.  Enjoy!

Sewn onto fabric
Every detail in place now
Smile for the camera!

Long days moving 'round
So many other fans here
They think I look great

Off to a panel
Then autographs after that
I hope I'm on tight

A thread gets pulled loose
I start to fall off the coat
Off to repair booth

New thread holds in place
The finest detail I am
Cosplay perfection

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 16

Today, I challenge you to write a poem that uses the form of a list to defamiliarize the mundane.  That's the poetry prompt for today.  Another day where I had trouble thinking of an idea.  In the end though the inspiration for this poem came from the blanket on my bed.  It's so common to see children playing with blankets, but when we become adults we loose our imagination and a blanket is just something you sleep under.  I wanted to re-kindle that child-like wonder and write about what all my blanket is.  Enjoy!

My Blanket

My blanket is so much more than just an ordinary piece of cloth.
It's a shield that protects me from monsters for they can not pierce the material. 
It's a delicious wrap as I roll myself up and become a burrito.
It's a map of the world showing me where I have been and where i need to go. 
It's a cape when I address my subjects as their queen. 
It's a picnic blanket for panda jelly bean parties in the bamboo forest. 
It's a tent that protects me from the cold and storms. 
It's an ocean of blue as I set off on a new adventure.
It's a guardian keeping me safe and warm all night long. 

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

Monday, 15 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 15

Today's poetry prompt is to challenge you to write your own dramatic monologue.  I must admit this one had me stumped for most of the day.  I just could not think of a good topic to write about where I felt I could be dramatic, something worthy of a Shakespearian soliloquy. After much pondering and mind wandering I came upon the idea of writing a soliloquy poem from the perspective of a D&D cleric.  I have played many clerics in various D&D campaigns so it's something I'm personally familiar with.   I tried to think of all the really tough battles that I had been through and used that as inspiration for today's poem.  I hope you enjoy!

Ode of the Cleric

My companions and I travel the land
Helping all those we can.
For we are heroes! 
Here to save the world!

But alas there is no peace for long
For my companions again run headlong
Into the fray. 
Headless of their own lives
Not because they believe in the cause for which they fight
But because they know I am near. 
For I, the cleric,
Will tend to their wounds and aches
And return them to this mortal relm
Should they perish

For I have been blessed by the gods
The gift of healing
My friends throw caution to the wind
Risk life and limb in defense of another
Knowing the gods, through me
Will be there in defense of them. 

For who else shall guard their souls
Mend their bodies
Restore their minds.

Only I, the cleric
Blessed child of the gods
Have power of life over death
In protection of the helpless,
The weak
The innocent
The world. 

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

Sunday, 14 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 14

Today's prompt is all about how the English language is weird.  Particularly the use of homophones, homographs, and homonyms. While thinking about these, I was reminded of something my high school English teacher had posted in our classroom, that used several homographs to show how silly and confusing English can be.  It became the inspiration for my poem today.

My goal was to take homographs that have two distinct pronunciations and use them in a rhyming couplet.  The homograph would be used at the end of the first line, and I tried to phrase it in such a way as to leave the reader hanging until they read the second line to know which pronunciation was used for the homograph, by seeing what word it was rhymed with.   The overall theme of physics and astronomy came naturally to me as it's something I'm passionate about.  Have fun reading, and possibly re-reading, my poem for today!

Science Fun with Homographs

Time moves forward, wrapped and wound, 
The reason for its direction not yet found. 

From super nova explosions, creation lead
To later gather in planets, first star long dead.

In space-time we create a tear
We can travel to other dimensions from there.

Circling 'round the star does wind
In the center a black hole do we find. 

The study of physics my mind entrance
In hopes of human knowledge enhance. 

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

Saturday, 13 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 13

Today's prompt is to write about something mysterious or spooky.  To me deja vu is one of the most mysterious and spooky things there is so that is the topic of today's poem.

Deja Vu

Sitting down for coffee with a friend
It's been forever since I've seen her
And this new place is really nice
Wait... I've been here like this before?
Deja Vu

On the phone with my dad
He's telling me about his new RV
Just got it today
Wait... Didn't we talk about this last week?
Deja Vu

Walking home from work
A bus passes by, followed by a green car
It makes me think of about salad for dinner
Wait... Why is this moment so familiar?
Deja Vu

We are escaping though an abandoned mansion
Moving up the stairs I turn to see a black cat pass by
Looking again I see the same cat pass by in the same way 
Deja Vu
My friends pause in horror, something is wrong.

Sitting down for coffee with a friend
It's been forever since I've seen her
And this new place is really nice
Wait... I've been here like this before?
Deja Vu

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

Friday, 12 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 12

Today's poem prompt was to write about something dull. At first I had a hard time thinking of something dull.  Everything in my life is quite magical or special or colourful... there is very little in my life that would be described as dull.   The inspiration for today's poem came while eating breakfast and trying to think of something dull.  I looked down at my yogurt in the space bowl and thought that dishware is pretty dull.  It's not something that you hear people talking about or getting excited about unless they are getting married and putting dishware on a gift registry. lol But I really love my planetary dishware set, so it's not really something dull, but it's the best I could come up with.  So I hope you enjoy today's poem.

Planetary Dishware

This morning I traveled to Uranus
Yogurt and granola while I admired the view
Strong winds, but such a beautiful blue
Like looking across a clear ocean.

For lunch I visited Mars
I stopped by each of the rovers to say hello
While I munched on a sandwich of tuna
Finished just before the sandstorm hit.

After a long day I sat down to dinner at Jupiter
Singing its hymn I filled my stomach with chicken parmesan and veggies
I danced in the storm of the great red spot
And hopped across its many moons. 

I ended my day washing the planets clean
Soapy bubbles everywhere
Saturn floats, its density less than water
Clean again for another day.

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

Thursday, 11 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 11

Today's poetry prompt was all about origins and the idea of "you can't go home again".  Looking at where you have been in the past.  It reminded me of a poem that I wrote in my youth.  Just the other day I was going through some old papers and found this poem and it's perfect for today's prompt.  So please enjoy!

I am what I am today, 
Not what I was yesterday. 

I am what I am now,
Not what I want to be. 

I am what I am today,
Not what I will be tomorrow.

I am what I am now, 
Not what I ever was or ever will be. 

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 10

Today's prompt is all about local phrases particularly those that deal with weather. (Today, I’d like to challenge you to write a poem that starts from a regional phrase, particularly one to describe a weather phenomenon.)  
I've been living in Calgary Alberta for a few years now and they have a saying here "If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes".  And it's pretty accurate!  The winds that come over the mountains, and often bring Chinooks (another local weather phrase) create very unstable and variable weather here.  So my poem today was inspired by the weather here.  Enjoy!


This morning the world is frozen over. 
A chill in the air and frost on the ground. 
I pull my scarf a little tighter to keep warm. 
If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes. 

By lunch a chinook has blown in. 
Warm and sunny, I wish I had left my hat and gloves at home. 
Enjoying a nice moment outside, summer is on its way. 
If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes. 

By dinner a storm has rolled in.  
Rain. or is that snow?  
Nope, that's definitely hail. Made it home just in time. 
If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes. 

Tomorrow it will probably be the same thing again. 
I hope another chinook blows this way.  
This is spring in Calgary Alberta. 
If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes. 

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 9

The poetry prompt for today:
Write a poem inspirted by the work of Sei Shonagon, a Japanese writer who lived more than 1000 years ago. She wrote a journal that came to be known as The Pillow Book. Today, I’d like to challenge you to write your own Sei Shonagon-style list of “things.” What things? Well, that’s for you to decide!

I wanted to write a list of things that was something personal to me.  And while I could write my own list of things that I love or things that scare me, I decided instead to write about something tied to my anxiety and created a list of things that help calm me when I am anxious. 

Things that calm my worries

A soft panda plush toy. Gentle cuddles against its soft fur melts away all cares in the world.

Long hot showers that wash away fear, anger, and pain. 

A fidget cube. Moving my fingers across the various buttons, switches, and wheels reminds me of a simpler childhood time.

Hugs from a loved one or dear friend. 

Peaches, whether it's the actual fruit or just candy flavored to taste like peaches. Such sweet happiness!

Being wrapped up in a large warm blanket.  Being a human blanket burrito creates a feeling of warmth and safety. 

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

Monday, 8 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 8

Prompt for today: I’d like to challenge you to think about the argot of a particular job or profession, and see how you can incorporate it into a metaphor that governs or drives your poem. Or perhaps you can take inspiration from one of the business jargon phrases that seem to predominate in corporate environments.

When I think about business jargon phrases the word "synergy" is a word that always comes to mind, and to be honest I didn't really know what it meant.  So I did some research and learned its meaning and found that it is applicable in life, not just in white collar jobs.  So here is my poem about synergy and how we can find it everyday around us. 


Long days at work with the team
The brilliant plan
Perfect execution
Close the deal
Together we pulled off the deal better than any one of us could. 

A night out with friends
The cheeky smile
The mind read
Let's go!
The perfect way to relax, have fun, and forget all the stress.

Dinner with the family
Dad on the BBQ, mom in the kitchen
My siblings and I setting the table
Cooked to perfection
Happy memories like this sitting around the dinning room table. 

A quiet evening with the husband
Take out delivered
Glass of wine
Netflix and chill
Minds and bodies as one spending quality time together. 

When the creation of the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. 

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

Sunday, 7 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 7

I very much enjoyed today's prompt after my more cynical poem yesterday. Today's theme is gifts and joy: We’d like to challenge you to write a poem of gifts and joy. What would you give yourself, if you could have anything? What would you give someone else?
My inspiration for today came partly from this TED talk about joy along with the book The Little Prince.  They reminded me of what I bring to this world, the gifts that I give to the world every day.  For my poem today instead of thinking about what gifts I want or what brings me joy, I decided to write about the joy and gifts I give to those around me. 

My gift to the world is the gift of joy.
A ray of sunshine in the darkness

My gift to the world is the gift of passion.
Sharing what I love with all I meet. 

My gift to the world is a memory of a simple time. 
A reminder of child-like wonder. 

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

Saturday, 6 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 6

Today's poetry prompt is: write a poem that emphasizes the power of “if,” of the woulds and coulds and shoulds of the world.
The inspiration for today's poem came from Kirby Krackle's song I Wanna Live In A World Full of Heroes. I like how he sings about how awesome the world would be if the comic book super heroes really existed.  It's what gave me the idea for my poem theme of "if".  
This poem though takes a more cynical perspective as I dive into the idea of would, could, should the world have heroes to save us.  Can they even save the world?  Should they fix all the problems we created?  I hope you enjoy my poem today. 

A world full of heroes saving the day,
Always doing their best, making the bad guys pay. 
Using their powers we cheer them all on, 
One step at a time 'till the world's problems are gone. 

Their archenemy here, but there's a war over there,
How could save they everyone, what is most fair?
So many disasters "We need you!" we call, 
But they are only one person so human lives fall. 

Just look around, our world is a mess, 
Pollution, hatred, and war, we're not at our best. 
Should we have heroes to save the day?
Perhaps it's time for us as humanity to pay. 

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

Friday, 5 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 5

Sorry for the late post today.  I haven't been feeling well and to be honest I haven't had the energy to think about poems today.  But I still want to write something, so here is a poem that I wrote in my youth.  I'm not sure why I remember this particular limerick, but for whatever reason it stuck with me. So I hope you enjoy this simple poem and hopefully I'll be feeling better tomorrow.

One dark and stormy night,
I turned on my bedroom light,
For I had heard a sound, 
Outside on the ground,
But all it was was a cat fight. 

I wrote that back in grade school and it may have been based on a real experience, to be honest I don't remember anymore. lol   Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Thursday, 4 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 4

Today's prompt: We’d like to challenge you to write your own sad poem, but one that, like Teicher’s, achieves sadness through simplicity.

The inspiration for today's poem came from a recent D&D game that I played.  It was part of the Arcanis role playing campaign, and at the end of the module, one of the characters in our party died.  It was a really sad moment for us all.  We had barely made it through that module alive and there really was nothing we could have done to save our friend.  This poem is in memory of Victor val'Holryn.

Death of an Ally

The battle against the Ymandragore won,
The threat to this safe house for now is done. 

We all fought hard and did our best,
But now is not the time for rest.

For here lies Victor val'Holryn, dear friend,
Who died protecting us 'till the very end.

Struck down in combat before his time,
A cleric of Illiir, still in his prime.

For now who will look out for my immortal soul,
The loss of his guiding wisdom shall take its toll. 

Farwell dear friend, our time has been nice,
I pray you now rest with the gods in paradise. 

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 3

Todays poetry prompt is: Today, I’d like to challenge you to similarly write something that involves a story or action that unfolds over an appreciable length of time.
This was a tricky idea at first as I tried to think of something that unfolds over enough time to give the feeling of time passing. My mind eventually wandered to an idea that I have for a novel (possibly for NaNoWriMo) that was inspired by this XKCD comic and this song by the Doubleclicks.  I've been having trouble finding the right words to write this idea as a full story, but thinking about it as a poem the words just flowed to me.  So please enjoy my poem, of sorts.


I take one last look at my brother. 
Another day of training finished. My last day on Earth. 
Tomorrow I will go to sleep as I blast off into space and make the long journey to Mars. 

My eyes open. I have arrived. 
The red planet. 
Terror fills me, I'm so far from home. 
I'm all alone. 
I tell myself I was made for this. I've trained all my life for this. 
But it does nothing to quell the feelings rising inside. 
My brother should be arriving on Mars any day now. The other side of this dusty world feels as far away as Earth itself. 
So close yet so far. 

I send my first message back to Earth. 
I have arrived!
Cheers of joy resound in the reply from Earth.
"It's time to begin!"

I have spent several weeks traversing this empty barren land. 
Study this rock. 
Analyse this surface.
What is the point?!
I feel useless and frustrated. Am I doing a good job?
"Keep going!" the only reply I receive from home. 

90 days of passed.
My mission goal of 90 days. I have made it!
Can I come home now?
Have a done a good job?

Today is my birthday. Or at least the anniversary of the day I arrived.
The day I was reborn on Mars. 
I quietly sing Happy Birthday to myself. 
Alone on this dusty red rock for another year. 
Brother, are you there?

How long has it been now...?  Years?
I've lost track of the days. 
Every day I study the surface of this planet.
Every day I sent my report. 
Every day I wonder if today I will be allowed to rest.  Allowed to come home.
"Keep going!" they joyfully reply. 

Yesterday a big storm hit.
I've survived many storms during my time here, but this has been the worst. 
I can't move. 
I'm stuck in the sand. 
The dust continues to cover me. It's hard to get the energy I need to continue on. 
Brother are you there?
Earth, can you hear me?
"Good job Spirit!" they call from Earth. 
They are proud of me.
Does this mean I can come home now?

Hello? Is anyone there?
It's getting dark...

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 2

Today's prompt is to write a poem that resists closure by ending on a question, inviting the reader to continue the process of reading (and, in some ways, writing) the poem even after the poem ends.

I started by thinking about what question I could use to end a poem with and the first thing that came to mind was my anxiety.  Will I ever feel normal? Will I ever have a day without my anxiety? This thought is what inspired my poem for today. 


A ball of lightning inside my chest
Its energy fueling my thoughts and making me fidgety

I start to plan out my day
Trying to diffuse the extra energy

Eat lunch at 11:30
Go for a walk at noon
Be back by 1:00
Work until 4:00 uninterrupted  

Will my day go as planned or will something throw a wrench into it?

It never goes as planned.

Another day goes by 

Will today be a normal day or another fueled with anxious energy? 
Will this feeling ever go away?

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

Monday, 1 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 1

National Poetry Writing Month, or NaPoWriMo for short is something I just learned about a few weeks ago. I knew about National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) in November and had done it before, but didn't realize that NaPoWriMo was a thing until a friend mentioned it to me. I LOVED poetry back in grade school, and I was really good at it, so I decided that I want to try my hand at NaPoWriMo. So here we go! Join me for a month of poetry on my blog here.

To start it off, here is a haiku. I've always loved haikus for their elegance and simplicity.

And so it begins
Thirty days of poetry
What fun it will be

Today's official NaPoWriMo prompt is: write a poetic self-portrait. And specifically, we’d like you to write a poem in which you portray yourself in the guise of a historical or mythical figure.
I had to think about this a little bit, but I decided on Aphrodite, the Greek mythology goddess of beauty and love. Again I decided to go with a haiku since my brain was in haiku mode today.

From the sea foam I rise
Men call for my attention
Beauty of the gods

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam