Sunday 28 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 28

Today's prompt was a really fun one.  Write a meta-poem, which is a poem about poetry.  I actually found this prompt really easy, the words the flowed to me without much thought at all.  Only the last line of the limerick did I really have to think about what to write.  Perhaps my head was in a weird place after reading more Way of Kings by Sanderson, or perhaps this topic of poetry is just natural for me, either way I hope you enjoy today's meta-poem.


I use to think that poems had to rhyme
That's how I did it all the time

Then haikus I learned
No more rhymes but syllables
Drive this poem style

Then I learned the limerick style
I found it challenging, it took me a while
With paper and pen
I would sit there and then
Words flowed out to the page, no denial

Free verse was next
A style that always felt awkward to me.
Like fragments of ideas
Spattered around
Trying to paint a picture of life.

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam