Monday 22 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 22

The prompt for today is to write a poem that engages with another art form.  Well right now I have cosplay on the brain with the local comic-con later this week.  Thinking about it I realized that cosplay is an art as well, though not often thought of one.  The amount of time and effort that goes into each cosplay makes each costume a masterpiece.  So today's poem is dedicated to all the cosplayers out there.  Keep on doing what you are doing!  Enjoy!


The first step is the perfect picture of the character
One with the right colours
One that has a great pose for photos
One showcasing the details just right

Next comes the creative search for materials on a shoestring budget
Raiding thrift stores
Fabric store sales
The lucky find at the dollar store

Now the creation process
Carefully getting the pieces together
Cutting and sewing
Undoing stitches and re-doing
It must be perfect

Busy right now, but there's still lots of time to get this done. 
Until there's not
Oh no! The con is tomorrow!

Staying up late, slaving into the night
Needles and thread
Hot glue guns
Slop on some paint
Please stay together!
The mad rush of creation to the finish line.

The day of the convention.
This will have to do. 

"Can I take your picture?"
"Love your cosplay!"
"You look amazing!"

The blood, sweat, and tears was worth it. 
Time to begin another. 

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

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