Tuesday 9 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 9

The poetry prompt for today:
Write a poem inspirted by the work of Sei Shonagon, a Japanese writer who lived more than 1000 years ago. She wrote a journal that came to be known as The Pillow Book. Today, I’d like to challenge you to write your own Sei Shonagon-style list of “things.” What things? Well, that’s for you to decide!

I wanted to write a list of things that was something personal to me.  And while I could write my own list of things that I love or things that scare me, I decided instead to write about something tied to my anxiety and created a list of things that help calm me when I am anxious. 

Things that calm my worries

A soft panda plush toy. Gentle cuddles against its soft fur melts away all cares in the world.

Long hot showers that wash away fear, anger, and pain. 

A fidget cube. Moving my fingers across the various buttons, switches, and wheels reminds me of a simpler childhood time.

Hugs from a loved one or dear friend. 

Peaches, whether it's the actual fruit or just candy flavored to taste like peaches. Such sweet happiness!

Being wrapped up in a large warm blanket.  Being a human blanket burrito creates a feeling of warmth and safety. 

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

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