Saturday 6 April 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 6

Today's poetry prompt is: write a poem that emphasizes the power of “if,” of the woulds and coulds and shoulds of the world.
The inspiration for today's poem came from Kirby Krackle's song I Wanna Live In A World Full of Heroes. I like how he sings about how awesome the world would be if the comic book super heroes really existed.  It's what gave me the idea for my poem theme of "if".  
This poem though takes a more cynical perspective as I dive into the idea of would, could, should the world have heroes to save us.  Can they even save the world?  Should they fix all the problems we created?  I hope you enjoy my poem today. 

A world full of heroes saving the day,
Always doing their best, making the bad guys pay. 
Using their powers we cheer them all on, 
One step at a time 'till the world's problems are gone. 

Their archenemy here, but there's a war over there,
How could save they everyone, what is most fair?
So many disasters "We need you!" we call, 
But they are only one person so human lives fall. 

Just look around, our world is a mess, 
Pollution, hatred, and war, we're not at our best. 
Should we have heroes to save the day?
Perhaps it's time for us as humanity to pay. 

Thanks for reading!
Attentea Danaxam

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