Thursday, 20 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 20


For today's poetry prompt the challenge is to write a poem from the perspective of a future scientist or alien looking at something from our current civilization and what they would think.  A funny idea came to mind with this about what if they found the game Civilization.  While I haven't played it myself, I have a few friends who do and know about the game.  It would probably be much more confusing that what my poem portrays, but I thought it was a fun idea to run with.  Enjoy!

Lost Civilization

Today I found a kind of disk
Buried beneath the ground
"Civilization" it did say
What is this I have found? 

What information is on this disk
Is it their history?
Must find a way to read this disk
To solve the mystery.

There is a story contained within
It starts from an early age
But time is quick to pass
The year is hard to gauge.

Where on the world does this take place?
There is no location name
This story mimics history
Could this disk be a game?

This is not their history
It's not a true depiction.
Instead they can create their own
Civilization of fiction. 

Thanks for reading!


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