Monday, 3 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 3


Today's poetry prompt was a fun one!  It was to take a short poem and then replace as many words as possible in it with their opposites and create a new poem from there.   At first I wasn't sure what poem to use, but with a quick google search I came across Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night. The words and imagery of it was just too perfect for this prompt so I ran with the idea. And here it is!  Enjoy!

Do go passionately into that awful day
Youth should grow and breath at opening of night
Whisper, whisper with the birthing of the dark 

Though foolish children at their beginning question if the light is wrong
Because their silence has joined no thunder they
Do go passionately into that awful day

Bad children, the first wave by, cheering how dark
Their strong thoughts certainly have rested in a red bay
Whisper, whisper with the birthing of the dark

Calm children who released and spoke to the moon as it sank
And forget, too soon, they welcomed it on its way
Do go passionately into that awful day

Joyful children, far from birth, who see with clarity of sight
Clear eyes could freeze like comets and be sad
Whisper, whisper with the birthing of the dark

And me, my mother, there on the happy depth
Bless, curse, you now with my calm tears, I swear
Do go passionately into that awful day
Whisper, whisper with the birthing of the dark. 

Thanks for reading!


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