Sunday, 21 April 2024

NaPoWriMo Day 21


The prompt for today was to focus on colour.  Right away my mind jumped to an article I read recently about "why are the curtains blue".  Referring to the idea that in books a lot of analysis can be done about the little details and colours that authors put into their stories.  Sometimes those colours have meaning, other times the curtains are just blue, but the idea is that you have to ask if those details are important or not, if they have more meaning or not.  So I used that as the inspiration for my poem.  Enjoy!

The Curtains Were Blue

The curtains were blue
it set the mood as I surveyed the murder scene
the blood red on the floor contrasting
the calm blue of the interior design.

The curtains were blue
and covered with sequences and embroider
in my youth I wanted to be a designer
my sadness of those lost dreams reflected in the blue. 

The curtains were blue
once thick and vibrant
now faded and threadbare
in the window of the old motel.

The curtains were blue
the rest of the room all white and clean cut
the statement piece of the room
to draw the eye to the ocean view outside. 

The curtains were blue
but they could have been red, or green, or gold
I don't know why they were blue
but I can wonder why they were not another colour. 

Thanks for reading!

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