Sunday, 30 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 30


Yay! Another year of NaPoWriMo complete!  Thanks all who joined me for this.  The prompt for today was to write a palinode, which is a poem that retracts a view or statement expressed in a previous poem.  My first thought was to write a palinode of the first NaPoWriMo poem I did, or perhaps my first poem for this year's NaPoWriMo, but none of those poems were great for that.  Another one of my poems popped to mind:  This one from April 14 2021. One of the prompts earlier this month that I didn't do is a poem that plays with the meaning of a name, and that was because I had written that poem about my name back in 2021 so I didn't have any ideas.  The poem was still in my memory and I realized it was perfect for my palinode.  Enjoy!


"She's beautiful" they said the day I was born.
She will be worthy of love.
Our Amanda. 

But am I really worthy?
What have I done to deserve your love?

I fill the world with colour
with sparkles and with light
I'm rainbow in appearance
it does bring such delight. 

My heart is big and caring
I always want to help
I'll do my best to be there
if ever you should yelp. 

I love to share my knowledge
of science and the stars
Together we will learn things
new experience of ours. 

For those who are in my heart
protection I will give
I'll help you grow and prosper
my job to see you live. 

I have done so much to be worthy of your love
And I can do more. 
Let me show you how I am Amanda. 

Thanks for reading!  See you again next year!


Saturday, 29 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 29


For today’s challenge the prompt was to write a poem about a type of food.  Given that I have been sick lately, my mind was on tea and it fit with the idea of the prompt for today.  Enjoy!

Cup of Tea

The cup of tea
The fixer of all foods. 
It says “come here and I will make everything better”.

You are feeling sick
Honey and ginger to heal.

You are feeling sad
Strawberry and raspberry to bring you joy. 

You are much too sleepy
Black tea with lemon for a boost. 

You need to rest
Sleepy time to calm your mind. 

You have family and friends visiting 
A cup of tea while you catch up.  

No matter the day or time
A cup of tea for your soul.  

Thanks for reading!


Friday, 28 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 28


Today's poetry prompt is to write a poem in the form of an index entry.   It's a cool thought, but I was struggling with the idea.  I chose pandas as my topic, because I don't think I've written a poem about pandas this year, and I do so at least once every year.  I'm not happy with my poem today, but like all the NaWriMo events it's not about the quality, but just getting something written.  Enjoy!

        Where to find them lurking
        Their selective dietary habits
        Oh so fluffy
        Their cushy physique
        Too few in the world
        The one up in space
        How you can make a difference.

Thanks for reading!


Thursday, 27 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 27


I feel like there have been a bunch of prompts this month that I just wasn't feeling, either because I wrote a similar poem in a previous year, or my brain just wasn't getting any ideas.  This time I made sure to follow the prompt, even the weirdly specific requirements.  I decided to write my poem about flowers.  I have this quirk where certain types of flowers just really creep me out and I felt it was a good inspiration for my poem today.  Enjoy!

The Lilies of Apprehension

The lilies grow by the back door of the house
Lying in wait, ready to pounce like the tigers they are named after
Patiently blowing in the wind until I wander too close.

I wish them to be gone. 

But my mother wishes them watered.
I stand back with the hose
Spraying water, the drops like that of the primordial Earth drenching them.
The lean towards the sun, knowing I am also near.

What will become of me should they ever get their way? 

Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, 26 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 26


So today was another day of not getting any inspiration from the prompt, because it reminded me of a poem I wrote a few years ago.  So I just went with what was on my mind, which is more about decorating my apartment.  Plus I feel like I haven't done enough good rhyming poems this month so it's another rhyming one.  Enjoy!

Secret Garden

A secret garden in my room
my little hideaway
where I can go when troubles come
and feel them slip away.

The crystal roses sparkle bright
their fractal colours gleam
they look as if they're made of glass
so delicate they seem. 

The black wrought iron ivy
wraps itself around my bed
and another branch can be seen
holding curtains overhead. 

The pandas have their picnic
over at the garden's edge
there are so many of them 
in the small space they do wedge. 

My secret garden in my room
filled with peace and memory
and everything I love in life
where myself I can just be. 

Thanks for reading!


Tuesday, 25 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 25


The poetry prompt for today is to write a love poem.  There were some other minor things to include in the poem, but I didn't want to limit myself to that because I wanted to write a really great love poem for someone special in my life right now.  You know who you are.  This poem is for you.  To everyone else, enjoy!

Your hugs and your kisses and snuggles so tight
I love how you shower affection
All our days talking and hanging around
Together we've formed a connection.

For many months we talked and we gamed
You have become such a good friend
But now we can finally be something more
'Cause my toxic marriage did end. 

We spend all our time with working and errands
And other things boring adults do
I don't need grand gestures, or parties, or drinks
I just love spending time with you. 

Our lives my seem simple, our goals may feel small
Our future may have no direction
But to have you beside me as we figure it out
To that thought I have no objection. 

Sometimes I worry that we've lost too much time
That I've found you too late in my life
Can we still be crazy with adventures and fun
Could I possibly become your wife? 

The future ahead, it feels so uncertain
Who knows what tomorrow may bring
All I can hope is that together we stay
'Cause the thought of you makes my heart sing. 

Thanks for reading!


Monday, 24 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 24


For today's poem the challenge is to write a poem in the form of a review.  I remember doing this in a previous NaPoWriMo and I wasn't a huge fan of the idea.  So I decided to write about something else, and settled on the idea of writing a poem about what my living room will look like when I'm finished decorating it.  It's still in the works, but the things mentioned in the poem I either have already or I've ordered and it's on the way to me.  So I guess this is kinda a review in a way in that it reviews the design idea I have for the space. lol.  Enjoy!

Vintage Autumn Forest

There's a vintage autumn forest
growing in my living room
with warm and cozy wood tones
and roses all a-bloom.

In the corner is a cabinet
of bronze and vintage wood
gleaming gold and porcelain handles
standing sturdy as it should. 

The curtains on the window
creamy roses lined with gold
it feels like you're in a garden
where mysteries unfold. 

The large round wooden table
fills a large amount of space
'round which my friends can gather
when they spend time at my place. 

The back door has a curtain
with red and orange leaves
beyond it is the balcony
through sheer fabric one perceives.

The vintage autumn forest
a place of calm and finding peace
where call can come and gather
where all our worries cease. 

Thanks for reading!


Sunday, 23 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 23


Today's prompt is about writing a poem with multiple sections, and having it take place somewhere where you used to spend a lot of time, but no longer.  I decided to write my poem about Markham where I grew up and a few of the places that popped to mind from my childhood.  Enjoy!


The mall of many wonders
stores of trinkets and crafts
and magic dresses
little steps of change each year
to become anew in time.

Milne's land
school trips to see the chickadees
girls canoeing on the river
a night of fireworks with friends
a land of exploration and nostalgia.

The pond that is too good
sledding down snowy hills
skating on the water
while pancakes served in the building nearby
and ducks swim in the summer.

The hill
a place of make believe
so large a place while small
to be nothing once one's grown
where memories were made.

Thanks for reading!


Saturday, 22 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 22


The poetry prompt for today was to play with one of Emily Dickinson's poems, and while I do love her poetry, I just didn't have the time or energy to look up her poems and come up with an idea.  So instead I wrote a poem based on what I was doing today. Enjoy!

Playing Battletech
With my Shadowhawk mech
I take time to check
For the ideal spec
So that I can wreck
The enemy breathing down my neck
In but a sec
This battle of high-tech
Will be won. 

Thanks for reading!


Friday, 21 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 21


The poetry prompt for today is to take an abstract noun from their list (I choose anxiety), and write a poem that is made of short phrases and at least one made up word.  This style of poetry was very easy for me to write, and anxiety is a topic I have written about before, so it's something I know well.  Enjoy!


What if?
What about?
But then?
The thoughts don't stop.

'round in my head.

Can't stop
Won't stop

The overthinking
Begins with me
And it ends
With firuction
of my soul. 

What has happened
What will be
Too many variables. 

So my brain spins
and round
Trying to solve for X

The multivariable problem.

My only solution
Is U. 

Thanks for reading!


Thursday, 20 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 20


For today's poetry prompt the challenge is to write a poem from the perspective of a future scientist or alien looking at something from our current civilization and what they would think.  A funny idea came to mind with this about what if they found the game Civilization.  While I haven't played it myself, I have a few friends who do and know about the game.  It would probably be much more confusing that what my poem portrays, but I thought it was a fun idea to run with.  Enjoy!

Lost Civilization

Today I found a kind of disk
Buried beneath the ground
"Civilization" it did say
What is this I have found? 

What information is on this disk
Is it their history?
Must find a way to read this disk
To solve the mystery.

There is a story contained within
It starts from an early age
But time is quick to pass
The year is hard to gauge.

Where on the world does this take place?
There is no location name
This story mimics history
Could this disk be a game?

This is not their history
It's not a true depiction.
Instead they can create their own
Civilization of fiction. 

Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, 19 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 19


The poetry prompt for today is to take something that scared you as a child, something which still haunts you to this day, and write a poem about it.  I decided to write about the monsters in the dark because I'm still scared of those shadow creatures that live in the darkness that are going to get me.  I decided to go with a triolet poem because that poetry style always has a creepy feel to me.  Enjoy!

The shadow creatures lurking in the dark
It is me they seek to capture
Whether in my house or lurking in the park
The shadow creatures lurking in the dark
They'll disappear if light does spark
To them my body, my soul does enrapture
The shadow creatures lurking in the dark
It is me they seek to capture. 

Thanks for reading!


Tuesday, 18 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 18


The poetry prompt for today is to write an abecedarian poem.  These always remind me of grade school as I'm pretty sure we had to write several of these throughout the years, or at least something similar.  Today I used the theme of "new beginnings" for my poem as it's something I'm experiencing right now.  Enjoy!

A new
Beginning has
Come for me. 
Derailing my old life
Feels different. 
Going through the changes
Hoping for the best
I take it one step at a time. 
Just living one day at a time. 
Knowing this will get better
Life will go on. 
My current days may not feel
Normal or
Ordinary but I will not
Pressure myself to have all the answers. 
Questioning if I made the 
Right choice
Should I have stayed and
Tried once more to make it work?
Unfortunately I will never know
Variables are not clear
Wisdom will guide me forward
Xing into my new life
Yesterday a story ended tomorrow I
Zoom into my future. 

Thanks for reading!


Monday, 17 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 17


For today's poem the prompt is to write a poem about a local edible plant, compare it to yourself (or someone else) and use a repetitive phrase.  I decided to go with the clover because it's a plant I've always liked.  Enjoy!

The clover
A simple plant
But one that blooms wherever it finds itself.
So to do I bloom where I find myself. 
Its little leaves and buds of white or red
Sprouting up from cracks
Or growing free in patches in the grass
So to do I bloom where I find myself.
Its sweet nectar available for all
The bees and animals
And even for me as a child
So to do I bloom where I find myself. 
Harty and strong
The clover makes its way
Surviving, growing, flourishing
So to do I bloom where I find myself. 

Thanks for reading!


Sunday, 16 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 16


For today's prompt the challenge is to write a poem by describing what something is not.  I tried to think of a good idea for this, but my mind always kept coming back to the idea of love, and what love is and is not.  So that will be the theme.  The bible verse 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 was especially inspiring for the poem. Enjoy!

Love is

Love is not demanding, it does not want or need
It does not ask for anything in return. 
It does not cut others down or make them small. 
Love does not disregard the feelings of others,
or make them feel like they are crazy
or blowing things out of proportion.
Love does not do things for itself
it does not boast or make itself better.
Love does not hurt, it is not hard. 

Thanks for reading!


Saturday, 15 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 15


Today's prompt was about someone who's seen as ideal to strive for and highlight any doubt you feel about them. I've experienced something similar in my life recently and so I'm going to use that as inspiration.  Not really a person, but an ideal life that was wanted for me, that I didn't want.  Enjoy!

The 1950's Trophy Wife

He had a plan for us
For our life
Our goals to follow. 

His contribution is money
The breadwinner
Who will buy me all the things I want
And supply a life of comfort.

My contribution is time and energy
Making dinner, maintaining the home
Creating a place of peace and comfort
Regardless of what other tasks I have. 

An amazing job I wish to work at
A life with friends that I wish to follow
But it takes me away from the house
I don't want to be the housewife.

But it's selfish of me to want more
To be more
To prioritize myself. 
So I leave, and seek a life I can make my way. 

Thanks for reading!


Friday, 14 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 14


Today I've been rather tired and to be honest I haven't been able to come up with a good idea for today's prompt.  But I want to keep up with my challenge and write a poem every day, so here is a random haiku that I'm going to make up on the spot because haikus are what I write when I don't have the energy for poetry. lol  Enjoy!

So tired am I
When will it be time for bed
I wish to rest now. 

Thanks for reading!


Thursday, 13 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 13


Today's poetry prompt is to write a poem that follows the beat of a classic joke.  At first I was stuck, but then I started thinking of common jokes, and well, I'm sure you will be able to see the inspiration for this poem.  Enjoy!

Orange you glad

Knock Knock
I hear a sound at my door
Who's there? 
I call out
The voice replies
Banana who? 
I open the door to see the mailman with my mail. 

Knock Knock
I hear a sound at my door
Who's there? 
I call out
The voice replies
Banana who? 
I open the door to see a delivery woman with my Amazon package.

Knock Knock
I hear a sound at my door
Who's there? 
I call out
The voice replies
Banana who? 
I open the door to a salesman trying to sell me insurance. 

Knock Knock
I hear a sound at my door
Who's there? 
I call out
The voice replies
Orange who? 
I open the door to see my best friend with wine and snacks. 
Orange you glad I wasn't a banana?

Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, 12 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 12


So the prompt for today is to write a poem that references itself.  All I could think of was this poem I wrote a few years ago for NaPoWriMo.  So I used that as inspiration for my poem today.  I wrote it so that it matched the structure of my previous poem.  I'm also having a overwhelming day, and I feel like crap, so that is also reflected in my poem.  Enjoy!

A couplet to help me through the day
When nothing seems to be going my way. 

Oh haiku don't leave
I can't stand this pain alone
It's too much to bear

A limerick now for some joy
Like a child receiving a toy
My anxiety
Will not get to me
This limerick I do enjoy

And now for free verse
To soothe the soul and bring me peace
Word flowing out
Baring my soul
All washes away for a clean slate. 

Thanks for reading!


Tuesday, 11 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 11


For the poetry prompt today, the challenge is to take a funny phrase overheard in conversation and use it to inspire a poem.  Back in undergrad we had a "quote of the week" where we wrote exactly that, and I still remember a few funny ones.  So I used one of those lines as inspiration for this poem.  Also, being asexual I wanted to play with the idea of setting up a situation where something NSFW could happen, but have it actually be something innocent or sweet as this was the context for the line that I picked.  Enjoy!

With Someone

In the bathroom it's more fun when you're with someone
Why stop the conversation? We can talk while we do business. 

In the changeroom it's more fun when you're with someone
The blue sweater or the green?  I need your opinion.

In the restaurant's back booth it's more fun when you're with someone
Sharing our secrets over a good meal.

Sitting in the back of the car it's more fun when you're with someone
Drinking hot chocolate while we watch the snow fall. 

In the back ally it's more fun when you're with someone
Much less likely to get mugged if you travel in groups. 

Thanks for reading!


Monday, 10 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 10


The poetry prompt for today is to write a sea shanty type poem.  It seemed like a fun idea, I started thinking of a few of the songs that I know that are sea shanties.  At first I was having trouble thinking of a topic for the poem, but then I remembered how I like to compare my current job as manufacturing coordinator to being a captain of a ship, and well, from there this poem just fell into place.  Enjoy!

Yo, ho, all as one
Work to get this project done. 

As captain I'm to guide them strong
And see the projects move along. 

Heave ho, lift the base
And see the walls screwed into place.

A baffle here, and fans attached there
And a grating with lines as fine as hair. 

Build another power supply
Through this Scisun order we will fly.

Another day, more work is done
It's arduous but the job is fun. 

As captain I will lead them true
Through all the projects we must do. 

Oh no, this project is going to slip
I must bail out this sinking ship. 

We're back on course, the forecasts are good
All is working as it should.

I am the captain of this team
Of a better job I could not dream. 

Thanks for reading!


Sunday, 9 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 9


Today is supposedly Sonnet Sunday so I learned to write a sonnet and here it is! I’ve spend the weekend visiting family with their cats, so the cats became the inspiration for the poem.  Enjoy! 

Ode to Cats

Oh how do I express my love for cats
These fluffy beasts are all beyond compare
Their little faces asking for my pats
Pink nose and toes, their features are so fair.
They stalk about and hunt for things at night
Curled up on blankets sleeping in the day
Until a bug they spot and jump to fight
Never allow the prey to get away.
And now they meow demanding to be fed
I am their slave, provider of the food
They eat it up their thank you goes unsaid
They’ll thank me later if they’re in the mood.
My love for cats I have not well expressed
To have them in my life I am forever blessed.  

Thanks for reading!


Saturday, 8 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 8


So the prompt for today was really complicated, and I was spending time with family, so I didn’t have the energy to write a good poem.  So I wrote a little something for Easter since I’m with my family celebrating Easter this weekend.  Enjoy! 

Jellybean Easter
this year a change from the norm
Peanut M&Ms

Thanks for reading! 


Friday, 7 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 7


The poetry prompt for today is lists.  Use or write a list to inspire your poem.  Right now I have someone special in my life, so I wanted to write about what they mean to me and used that as inspiration for my poem.  Enjoy! 

Reasons I Love You

You are always there
Your long brown hair. 

Your beautiful slate blue eyes
How you always listen to my rants and cries. 

The little ways you help me out
Including the ones I don’t even know about. 

You’re interested in what I have to say
The warm hugs you give at the start of each work day. 

This list too short my reasons too few
Just keep on being your wonderful handsome you. 

Thanks for reading! 


Thursday, 6 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 6


An interesting poetry challenge for today; it's to find a poem in another language and use the sounds and feel of the words to write your own poem.  I've always loved haikus so I looked to haikus written in Japanese as inspiration.  In particular I found this one. It caught my interest because it feels like each line is one word and it got me wondering, can you do that in English?  Write a proper haiku, that makes sense, where each line is just one word?   Turns out you can!   Enjoy!


Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, 5 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 5


The poetry prompt for today really resonated with me.  It is to "write a poem in which laughter comes at what might otherwise seem an inappropriate moment".   The past few weeks I have been through a lot, and all the while I've had a good attitude about it all, and I've had friends say that I'm handling things really well.  So I used that as inspiration for my poem, thinking back to that particular day and how even though it was something very serious, I can only remember the good parts about it. 

Smiles and laughs all 'round
As I grab pieces of my life from boxes. 

Fond memories of happy times
Nostalgia coming in waves
As I hastily pack things in boxes and bags.

The guys chat in the kitchen
About mechs, and hobbits, and other wonderous things
While the cloud of years of emotional abuse hang over me. 

A storm of emotions as I grab what I can
But all I can see are rainbows
Soon I will leave and I will be free. 

Thanks for reading!


Tuesday, 4 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 4


Today's prompt is to write a triolet.  The style seems vaguely familiar, I think I wrote one in a previous year.  For the topic of the poem, at first my mind was going blank.  I couldn't pick what I wanted my poem to be about.  While sitting at lunch at my workplace with my notebook open in front of me, I was looking around for ideas when I saw someone walk into one of the testing labs, and got the idea of writing a poem about a solar simulator.  The company I work for designs and manufactures them.  It was unique that it caught my interest, and well, here is the poem. Enjoy!

The Artificial Sun

The artificial sun shines bright
To test the latest solar cells
The spark goes off, a flash of light
The artificial sun shines bright
I'm in a lab away from sight
The only sound is instrument bells
The artificial sun shines bright
To test the latest solar cells. 

Thanks for reading!


Monday, 3 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 3


Today's poetry prompt was a fun one!  It was to take a short poem and then replace as many words as possible in it with their opposites and create a new poem from there.   At first I wasn't sure what poem to use, but with a quick google search I came across Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night. The words and imagery of it was just too perfect for this prompt so I ran with the idea. And here it is!  Enjoy!

Do go passionately into that awful day
Youth should grow and breath at opening of night
Whisper, whisper with the birthing of the dark 

Though foolish children at their beginning question if the light is wrong
Because their silence has joined no thunder they
Do go passionately into that awful day

Bad children, the first wave by, cheering how dark
Their strong thoughts certainly have rested in a red bay
Whisper, whisper with the birthing of the dark

Calm children who released and spoke to the moon as it sank
And forget, too soon, they welcomed it on its way
Do go passionately into that awful day

Joyful children, far from birth, who see with clarity of sight
Clear eyes could freeze like comets and be sad
Whisper, whisper with the birthing of the dark

And me, my mother, there on the happy depth
Bless, curse, you now with my calm tears, I swear
Do go passionately into that awful day
Whisper, whisper with the birthing of the dark. 

Thanks for reading!


Sunday, 2 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 2


The prompt for today was rather convoluted and interesting.  Picking a few words from a list, write questions about those words, come up with a one line answer for those questions, then write a poem with those answers.  I admit I was thinking ahead when I picked out the words, coming up with a rough idea of what I wanted my end poem to be.  Still, it was an interesting experience and here is the poem. 

The king of birds sitting on his perch
Watching over the movement of essence from the mountain to the sea
As he sits he can feel the weight of the world pulling on him, bringing him down
While overhead the rumbling of the sky, bated into anger, begins. 
He wants more from life, his thoughts flowing from the heart through the soul, given words as it leaves. 
His heart calling out to another, wanting more. 
He will gift them the gift of cheese and fascinate them. 

Thanks for reading!


Saturday, 1 April 2023

NaPoWriMo Day 1


Woo it's the first official day of NaPoWriMo!  Let's get this started!  The prompt for today was to write about a book cover, the idea that you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.  Well, just before reading the prompt for the day I was at my local library and in one of their front book displays was the recent book of one of my favourite authors, The Dead Romantics, by Ashley Poston.  I took a picture of it, and I plan to post it on social media, and it seemed like a fitting cover to use as inspiration for my poem today.  So here it is.  Enjoy!

Lying here with my book
Trying to read but unable to focus
My thoughts are of him
Are you thinking of me? 

Romance is dead
Except in stories
Reading true love conquer all
But knowing I won't find that with her. 

The world in books
A place where romance can be found
Not something of reality
Will he...Will she...
Prove me wrong? 

Thanks for reading!


Friday, 31 March 2023

NaPoWriMo Early Bird Post


It's another year of NaPoWriMo!  I love this event and I love the challenge of writing a poem every day for a month and I've been looking forward to it this year.  To get the creative juices going I jumped on the early bird prompt to write a poem: to write a poem based on a "fun fact".   I decided to go with something science-y since that's a common theme for a lot of my poetry.  Did you know that light is both a particle (photon) and a wave?  It is! And we have the science to back it up.  But it is strange to think about light that way.  So here is a poem dedicated to light. 

Light is a photon and a wave
What a strange way to behave
As if the universe gave
Light the ability to waive
All logic in its properties.

Light is a wave and a photon
What an interesting phenomenon
In both states until acted upon
Through measurements and conclusions drawn
We know this fun fact to be true. 

Thanks for reading!  And stay tuned for a month full of poetry!
