Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Knight in Retrograde - Book Review


Time for a book review! I recently finished reading Knight in Retrograde by Lee Hunt, the third, and final, book of the Dynamicist trilogy.  The review will be my own thoughts and feelings on the book.  If you are interested in reading other reviews or learning more about the book series then check out Lee Hunt's website

My plan is to keep this review spoiler free so that all can enjoy this book series. 

While continuing the story set out in Dynamicist and Herald, Knight in Retrograde (KIR) takes place 4 years after the events of the first two books.  At first you are left wondering what happened in the time in between, but Lee does a good job of filling in the blanks through character flashbacks and introspection as the story of KIR progresses.  Things have changed for the main characters, but at the same time many things have not. 
This book is different in that each chapter has a different point of view character, rather than just following the thoughts and actions of Robert.  It allows for a more in depth look at each character as the historic events unfold around the cast.  Lee writes each character very well, each with their own motivations and flaws.  The characters have developed each in their own way over the 4 years and each continue to develop through KIR making them feel real and relatable.  I very much enjoyed getting to know them all better, and I especially resonated with Robert, Heylor, and Luciena (a new addition to the series). 
At the same time, none of the characters are immune to death as is common in other fantasy series.  This is the real world, and there are real consequences to actions that bring new highs and lows to the final book of the trilogy. 
The story of KIR is the most ambitious yet, as the loose threads from the previous books are addressed, meanwhile the characters face their toughest threats yet, and in the end irreversibly change the world. Is it for better or worse? 
The coming of age theme seen in the first book is very prevalent in the final book, along with the science and math that is the underlying basis of the magic of the world.  Prepare to see dynamicist magic in all its glory as the cast use their abilities to their full potential. 
Another prevalent theme that comes to a head in KIR is the idea of looking forward or looking back.  Do you wish to return to the "good old days", an idealized past when everything was better?  Or do you look forward to a new world, a better world, one you can help create?  We see both sides of this thinking from the main cast, their mentors and teachers, and the protesters seen in each of the three books.  The final climatic decision comes down to this theme that has been subtle, but ever present, throughout the series.  
The world is changing, new ideas and inventions are becoming more commonplace and changing the lives of every person.  But are the people ready for this?  Change is inevitable, and this book dives into how we as a society adapt and cope with great and sudden changes, both good and bad. 

Overall it is a wonderful final book to the trilogy with tells a complete story. It really is a story broken into three books rather than three books in a trilogy. A must read for anyone who loves fantasy, grimdark, interesting worlds, new magic systems, and/or science and physics.  

Love and friendship, creation and invention, science and mathematics, life and death.  It is time to make a decision, one that will change the world as you know it.   What will you choose?  What is the price you are willing to pay?  What will the world look like in your future?

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Friday, 3 July 2020

Herald - Book Review


Time for a book review! I recently finished reading Herald by Lee Hunt, the second book of the Dynamicist trilogy.  The review will be my own thoughts and feelings on the book.  If you are interested in reading other reviews or learning more about the book series then check out Lee Hunt's website

My plan is to keep this review spoiler free so that all can enjoy this book series. 

Herald picks up right where Dynamicist ends and starts with the main character and his friends beginning to learn the depth of their power and how to be a true dynamicist.  The math and physics they learned in the first book is put into practice as they learn and are tested, pushing them to hone the use of their powers.  Finally you will see the power of a dynamicist in use and get a better understanding of the magic in this world. 
Among this, the evil of the first book starts to pose a threat to the main character and the school to which he attends and so there is also intrigue and mystery as the main character and his friends try to unravel just what is going on around them.  As the main character dives into danger to save what he loves it leaves you wondering along with him just who is behind this and what exactly is going on.  Lee weaves an interesting mystery into the story that always leaves another question in your mind until the very end of the story. 
This book also explores the world more.  No longer does the main character stay in the city where the school is, as the story progresses the characters get to travel to other cities and even to dangerous parts of the world where they will be tested and pushed to their limits of their power and skills. The action is well written and leaves you on the edge of your seat wondering who will make it through alive. 
The themes of love, friendship, and coming of age seen in Dynamicist continue into Herald as we see the main character and his friends continue to develop as their lives and world become more complex around them. 
As a sequel it is a good read and enjoyable story, but is much better if read after Dynamcist, as it feels more like one long story broken into three books, rather than a story and its sequel.   

A  must read for anyone who loves fantasy that feels real, or who loves when magic is really just science in disguise. 
Come continue the story of love and adventure, where every change comes at a cost... but what price will you pay?

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Dynamicist - Book Review


Time for a book review! I recently finished reading Dynamicist by Lee Hunt, the first book of the Dynamicist trilogy.  The review will be my own thoughts and feelings on the book.  If you are interested in reading other reviews or learning more about the book series then check out Lee Hunt's website

My plan is to keep this review spoiler free so that all can enjoy this book series. 

Overall the book had an interesting feel.  While being considered fantasy, it felt more real world, compared to the fantasy seen in Tolkien or Brandon Sanderson.  It is an age of new inventions and discovery and is reminiscent of the start of the industrial revolution in our world history. But not all is well and the discord that is shown in the book mirrors issues in our current society making the world setting for the story feel real. 
The characters are also very relatable, I myself see a lot of myself in the main character and resonate with him, and the many others in the book feel like real people each with strengths and flaws and  development.  
The story of the main character follows a common coming of age story, where he is off onto a new chapter of his life along all the growth that comes with that.  The idea of learning who you are and what you can do to change the world is a strong theme that is easy to connect with. 
I was interested by the traumatic event that occurs mid-book.  It is dark and adult in nature, and not something I would have expected to be addressed in a fantasy setting. But Lee uses this event to not only do something drastic and different, but also have the characters bond and grow from the event.  I admit I had mixed feelings about including something of this nature in the story, but seeing how the characters and story grew from it was interesting and gave me something to think about and reflect upon in my own life. 
The themes of science, invention, and mathematics are strong throughout the story, though one thing I love is that you don't need to be a scientist or mathematician to understand the concepts. You will learn as the main character learns and it's written in a way that makes it understandable. Don't worry, there's no equations or test for you as the reader. 

By the end of the story I felt connected to the characters and invested in the world.  I wanted to know what would happen next and jumped into Herald, the second book of the series, right away.  I recommend this book for anyone who has a love of fantasy and/or science and math.  Come journey into a new world where life, death, creation, and invention are all connected.  Come change the world for better or perhaps for the worse. 

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Thursday, 30 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 30

Yay I made it through one whole month of poetry!  I feel like half the time I was uninspired and wrote garbage poetry, but the other part of the time I really got into the prompts and created something that I really love.
The final prompt is often one that is about ending or wrapping up the month.  But this year was a little different in that the prompt is to write about something returning.  Right away I was reminded of the quote:  "If you love something set it free. If it returns to you it's yours. If it does not, it was never meant to be."   It's also a thought that resonates with something in my personal life right now.  So I decided to run with it and here is the final poem for 2020 NaPoWriMo.  Enjoy, and thanks for coming along with me on this month's journey!

If you love something, set it free.
The thought fills me with anxiety.
I can't see
why letting go so easily
is the way that true love must be. 

If it comes back to you it's yours.
Love for you their heart stores.
Spending time with you they consider not chores.
Their heart and mind adores
when it's you who walks through doors.

If not, it was never meant to be.
They took the chance to flee
and though you may plea
in the end you must agree
that even though the future you can't forsee
on different paths you'll both be free.

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 29


The prompt for today is to write a paean about a pet.  I've never written a paean before, at least not knowingly, so this is something new for me.  As for the pet, I currently don't have any pets myself, but I grew up with cats, and my family still have cats, so I wrote about one of those cats.  Enjoy!

The huntress stalks her prey,
Green eyes glow in the darkness
And nose twitches in anticipation. 
Each paw step brings her silently closer. 
Her soft fluffy fur,
of black and brown tortoiseshell,
allows her to blend into her surroundings
in our condo. 
A dash!
A leap!
A pounce!
and she has reached her lookout.
Atop the cat tower
beside the window
the birds and squirrels stand no chance
of escaping her detection. 
She is the huntress. 
She alone protects the home. 
Ashley is on duty tonight. 
All will sleep well. 

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 28


Today's prompt was to write a poem that is in the style of a review, the kind of review you'd find on a website, but it is reviewing something that you wouldn't normally review.  One of the suggestions that the prompt gave was the moon, and I though that was funny so I decided to run with it.  Especially the idea of assigning "X stars" to the moon.  lol.  Enjoy!

Some nights I look up and it's there, big and full.
Other nights it's but a crescent.
Reliability: 3 Stars
Almost always there, but shape not constant

The markings on its surface are lovely.
Patterns of light and dark play at pictures. 
Beauty: 5 Stars
A work of art

I long to visit this new land.
To be an explorer on the frontier.
Accessibility: 0 Stars
I can't go there

It brings some light to the darkness.
And plays with the oceans creating tides.
Value: 2 Stars
Good for the earth, but of no use to my personal life

The only orb of our night sky. 
Other planets may h ave lots of moons, but we only have one. 
Rarity: 5 Stars
One of a kind, collector's edition. 

Overall rating: 4 Stars

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Monday, 27 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 27


Today's prompt was to use the Almanac Questionnaire as inspiration for a poem.  I had trouble with this one, but I was able to use the first three topics of the questionnaire to write a haiku.  That's all that I had for today so I hope you enjoy!

Clear and sunny day
Roses grow along archways
Peaceful garden walk

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Sunday, 26 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 26


For today's poem I wrote something myself, as I didn't feel interested or inspired by the prompt.   A couple of days ago I started playing a video game called Cat Quest and it's really cute and fun!  So here is a poem about the game.  Enjoy!

Cat Quest

Cat of dragonborn, here to save the land. 
A lone cat traveling. 
A warrior,
A mage,
A ranger,
A hero. 
Break the curses found around, 
Defeat the dragons,
Bring peace to the land. 

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Saturday, 25 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 25


The prompt for today is to write about a fruit.  Naturally I picked my favourite fruit, the peach.  Enjoy!

Ode to the Peach

Oh soft and fuzzy fruit
Your red and orange colour is so cute!

Soft and juicy you are so sweet,
You are my favourite fruity summer treat. 

Eaten whole, or sliced and diced,
Puree, juiced, or eaten iced. 

Grows upon a lovely tree,
Until it's picked and added to tea.

June, my favourite time of year, 
For the freshest of peaches are now here. 

Made into candy or fresh from the branch,
With each bite a flavour avalanche.

The perfect shape and size for my hand,
The greatest fruit in all the land. 

This ode to peach; my favourite fruit,
My love for you is absolute.

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Friday, 24 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 24


Today's prompt was to write about a letter or letters of the alphabet. I decided to go with my favourite letter "Y".   I liked the idea of using it as the focus of the poem, but also using it to represent the question "why".  As I wrote I found my tone getting more and more personal with this letter, as if Y was a real person.  I'm pointing this out because I hope you will notice and appreciate the increasing personification of the letter Y as the poem progresses.  Yea I'm nerdy like that, I'll evaluate and dissect my poems myself for you. lol.   Anyways, enjoy!


Y do you look the way you do?
Standing so tall and proud or curled up like a lazy cat.

Y do you sound the way you do?
Copying other vowels or making a sound all your own. 

Y are you at the end of the alphabet? 
Did you not want to be with your friends at the start?

Y do you play this game?
Are you a vowel or not?!

Y do you intrigue me so?
I love your shape, your placement in our words.

Y have you stolen my heart?
I love you. Please never go. 

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Thursday, 23 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 23


Today's prompt is to write a poem that uses idioms, specifically idioms from other languages.  As I looked into different idioms, I found that many languages have idioms to mean the same thing.  When I found a list some, and what they are in different languages I thought it would be fun to use them together in a poem.   I used my daily life, and my daily schedule now that I'm working from home, as inspiration for this poem.  Enjoy!

Get it done

Working from home
It's so easy to scroll through social media and online shop
But this project needs to get done. 
Time to bite the bullet. 

Talking with my supervisor

I need to fill in a spreadsheet, but I have a more efficient way
I'm told to do it their way. 
mordre la poussière

Dinner time

I've been avoiding the veggies in my fridge but now they're going bad
I better make something with them.
in den sauren Apfel beißen

Time to relax
But I haven't cleaned the couch in weeks and it's full of crumbs
Better vacuum it before I sit and watch TV
enfrentarse el toro

Waking up early

Time to get some exercise into my day
Why am I doing this again?!
стиснув зубы

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 22


I'm really not feeling the prompt for today.  I just can't even find a way to get started.  So instead here is a poem with some feelings I've been wrestling with lately.  This pandemic and self isolation has been hard and this is a reflection of this. I went with the triolet style again. I wanted to practice some more with this style and I feel it portrays my feelings well.  Enjoy!


I thought you were my friend.
Why won't you reply?
Did something bring our friendship to an end?
I thought you were my friend.

So many messages I did send.
What has happened to you, did you go off and die?
I thought you were my friend. 
Why won't you reply?!

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 21


The prompt for today was to write about a homemade or handmade gift.  While trying to think of something I was reminded of this little plush mouse toy that I made when I was a child.  It was part of a craft at a Girl Guides camp weekend.  At the time I thought it was really cute and though I don't remember why, I came up with this thing where I would flip up the mouse's dress and have her run back and forth crying "Tornado!".   It made some of the other girls laugh.  I still have the little mouse toy for that memory.  So today's poem is the story of Ophelia, the mouse who got caught in a tornado.  Enjoy!

In a lovely little village
lived a lovely little mouse
sewing lovely little dresses
in her lovely little house. 

The mouse is named Ophelia,
the finest seamstress in the town;
sewing suits and scarves and jackets,
and a red and white lace gown. 

One day while in her finest dress
a dark storm did approach. 
With howling winds and funnel clouds
the town it did encroach. 

Ophelia was caught unprepared,
her hands began to fumble.
Running outside to grab laundry,
she then took quiet a tumble. 

The howling winds they grabber her dress,
and tossed it side to side. 
She found her dress pulled overhead,
now gravity it defied!

"Tornado! Tornado!" she called out loud,
her screams were filled with fear!
"The storm no longer encroaches us,
It is already here!"

She ran around her open yard
moving to and fro.
Crying out, "I cannot see!
I don't know where to go!"

Long minutes of the howling winds
all she could do was wait. 
"To have my dress around my ears,
is this to be my fate?"

Eventually the winds died down
and the stormy weather stopped.
The dress around Ophelia's ears
finally it dropped.

She smoothed her hands along her dress
white lace and fabric red. 
"This has been quite the ordeal today
I will now go off to bed."

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Monday, 20 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 20


The prompt for today was to write a poem about a walking archive.  A walking archive is when you go for a walk and pick up items or trinkets or treasures as you go.  While I am able to leave the house and go for walks during this time of self isolation, I don't go very far and my neighborhood isn't very inspiring for poetry.  So instead I wrote about items around my apartment.  I was very much inspired by the song Tiny Paper Elephant by the Doubleclicks.  (Go check out the song if you like) Enjoy!

There's a ducky tea infuser
in a cup that looks like Chip. 
A rainbow Perler feather,
and a pink panda hair clip. 

There's a Sith Lord R2-D2
fighting Sailor Jupiter
near a pile of books to read soon
and a shirt painted with une fleur. 

A floppsy duck named Gustav
sits atop a strawberry.
And together all this shows you
the sort of person I must be. 

Take a tour of my life now. 
Take a tour of my home. 
And together I will tell you
of the places I do roam.

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam.

Sunday, 19 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 19


Today's poem is an ode to life's small pleasures.  Between this self isolation and the winter weather we've continued to have, one of the simple things I've missed is the warm fresh air and sunshine of summer.  So here is my ode to fresh air and sunshine.

Oh fresh air and sunshine, 
How I long for your gentle kiss and loving warmth,
For I have been away from you for too long. 
Cold winds of winter and quarantine have separated us,
Lovers longing to be together once more. 
But now spring winds blow,
And once again you return to me. 
To leave the house and into the unknown,
And once again be in your embrace. 
Walking down the street, or to the edge of the world,
Together, the peace and comfort you bring me leads me on. 
I long again for the summer days when we can spend all our time together.
Oh fresh air and sunshine, you bring peace to my soul. 

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Saturday, 18 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 18


Today's prompt is to write about a forgotten technology.  While trying to decide what to write about the idea of a Walkman popped into my head.  Growing up I had friends and family who had Walkman, but I didn't own one myself.  Later in high school I got a CD Walkman, which should give you some idea of how old I am. lol.   While I have no affinity for a Walkman this poem just starting flowing from my thoughts as I thought more about them.  There was almost a music or rap to it, which also makes up for my lack of musical poem a few days ago. lol.  Either way, enjoy this poem!

Grooving to my music as I walk down the street
Walkman! Walkman!
Mixed tape blaring, keeping pace with the beat
Walkman! Walkman!

Through the headphones the music's flowing into my head
Walkman! Walkman!
Hope this tape doesn't break or it will fill me with dread
Walkman! Walkman!

Flip the tape over so I'm now on side two
Walkman! Walkman!
Another 45 minutes music playing so true
Walkman! Walkman!

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Friday, 17 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 17


Today's prompt was to write a poem that is over the top with compliments.  My first thought was this would be a great chance to write a love poem. But I wasn't in the mood for something so serious and cheesy.  Instead I decided to write about my second love, pandas.  Something silly and fun showing my love for this animal.  Enjoy!

Oh giant panda, 

How adorable you are
Sitting there a round fluffy lump
Munching on your bamboo without a care. 

Your life so simple
I would love to be in your place
To be fuzzy and cute and adored by all.

Your colours so simple
The black around your eyes so perfect
As if every day is a special occasion that you are dressed up for. 

So rolly and polly, such a showman!
You know how loved you are and how wonderful you seem
And wish to share that joy with all who come to see you.

Oh giant panda
You have stolen my heart
Forever will I watch over you and be your Empress Goddess. 

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Thursday, 16 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 16


I must admit my mind has been distracted lately and I haven't been able to focus on poetry the past couple days.  Plus with today's prompt being about writing a poem inspired by music, well I feel like I've already done that in a way.  Go back to day 2 and see the lyrics that I modified for "Just Around the Riverbend".   Also growing up I like to write song, or at least try to.  I don't remember much from those days, other than the fact that I had a whole love song between Aladdin and Jasmine written (which I've completely forgotten), and a single line for another song I wanted to write but never completed.   Here is what I do remember of what one song.  It's not much but it's a reminder of childhood days when I was an awesome song writter, something I've lost the ability to do.

One drop can make a flower grow,
One imagination can make a rainbow. 

I still remember the melody as well for this, but my musical writing skills are really rusty otherwise I'd include the musical bars as well.

Anyways, hopefully the next few days will be better and my brain will get back into this poetry writing.

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 15


Today's poetry prompt was to write about those who inspired you to write poetry.  For me this was really difficult because I have no person or poet who inspired me or who I try to be like.  Rather, it was poetry lessons back in grade school that got me interested and inspired to write poetry.  I liked learning about it and I was naturally good at writing poetry so I kept going with it.  And then when I learned about NaPoWriMo last year it was a great excuse to get back into writing poetry which is something that I loved back in school.   So for today's poem I found one of my old poems that I wrote back in grade school.  I use to have so many pages with my poems, but now all that I can find is this one poem.  I'm also going to include pictures of three poems that I still remember from those school days.  Poems that I thought were such fun that are still stuck in my head.  Please join me as we journey back many years to visit young me back in grade school studying and writing poetry.

I am what I am today, 
Not what I was yesterday. 

I am what I am now, 
Not what I want to be. 

I am what I am today, 
Not what I will be tomorrow. 

I am what I am now,
Not what I ever was or ever will be. 

Thanks for reading!  Below are images with poems that I mentioned above.

Attentea Danaxam

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 14


Today's prompt was to write a non-apology poem for something that you've stolen.  The whole idea of it made me think of the #sorrynotsorry hashtag.  I tried looking it up for inspiration, but didn't get very much.   For me the only thing I could think of that I stole that I'm not sorry for are my husband's fries.  In typical wife fashion, I often steal a few when he has fries and I don't but I don't want my own fries I just want a few. Lol.   I had a hard time putting those thoughts into words though, so I decided to use the triolet style that I learned for yesterday's poem.  Overall the tone of the poem came off a lot more angrier and harsher than just me stealing a few fries, but at the same time I like the dichotomy of turning a simple thing like eating a few fries into something that is worthy of a huge argument.   Enjoy!

I stole your fries.
Sorry not sorry. 
You did not see it with your own eyes. 
I stole your fries. 

I already ate them. You can't have them back despite your cries. 
I can see you are mad. This doesn't need to get gory. 
I stole your fries. 
Sorry not sorry. 

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Monday, 13 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 13


Today's prompt was to write a triolet, which is a style of poetry I had not heard of before, but ended up being really fun to write! (I'll probably have to use this style again in the future.)   For inspiration for this poem I ended up going with a well known line from Star Trek.  I'm currently watching Star Trek The Next Generation and when writing this poem I wanted to take inspiration from many Sci-Fi sources.  But alas, I couldn't get a good rhyme that is required of this triolet style, so instead I settled on just Star Trek for this poem.  I call this poem "A Vulcan Blessing" because it reminds me of the first stanza of the well know Irish Blessing. Enjoy!

A Vulcan Blessing

Live long and prosper
Peace and long life
Live each day your best self, be not an impostor
Live long and prosper

Seek out opportunity, but peace you must foster
The actions you take must not lead to strife
Live long and prosper
Peace and long life. 

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Sunday, 12 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 12


This poem was all about flowers and their meaning.  Back in the Victorian era this idea was very popular and many of the meanings are still known today.  My poem today was inspired by looking through the list of flowers and their meanings.  Enjoy!

Flowers send a message
Decode the meaning at your leisure
And hope the meaning that you find
Will bring a sense of pleasure. 

Gardenia for a secret love
Heliotrope, eternal love and devotion
Peony for a happy life
While roses convey various emotion.

Red roses mean "I love you"
Dark crimson is for mourning
Pink for happiness, white for worthy,
While yellow contain a warning.

Daisies convey innocence and hope
Yellow tulips show sunshine in your smile
Lilac shows the joy of youth
Lavender distrust, no denial.

A bouquet says a thousand words,
More meaning than a letter
Send a message to your love
And hope that they feel better. 

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Saturday, 11 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 11


Today's prompt was using a new type of poetry that I was not aware of.  It's called the hay(na)ku and it's a modern variation on the haiku.  Rather that syllables it focus on the number of words in each line. Considering I love haikus I had a lot of fun using this similar poetry style for today's poem.  For inspiration I looked to one of my favourite things: pandas.  Enjoy!

Eat bamboo
In the grove

And crunching
The bamboo dissappears

Pandas climb
The trees nearby

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Friday, 10 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 10


Today’s prompt was to write a “concrete” poem which is one that also creates a picture that is related to what the poem is about. I combined this idea with haikus (a type of poetry that I love) to create a haiku that essentially never ends.  The theme for my poem is space and the universe.  To read it, start with a blue line (5 syllables) then continue with the following red line (7 syllables) then continue until you wish to end at which point read a blue line (5 syllables) to end.   Enjoy!

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Thursday, 9 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 9


Today's prompt was to take inspiration from one of the many Twitter poetry bots.  It was through this idea that I found @VogonPoetryBot.  I was rather amused by the idea of trying my hand at Vogon poetry.  I know the poetry bot is slightly different than the Vogon poetry heard in the book/movie, but I wanted to give it a try.  So I used a random word generator and a rhyming dictionary webpage.  This is what I created. 

Warning: Vogon poetry is not for the faint of heart. 

Ignorant settlement
Business-like entitlement

Forcast unreasonable
Peace and love unspeakable

Strangle reputation
Gurgling screams cause not ablation 

Wing dream rebel
Calling out for death knell

Mercy muggy workshop
Changing cycle desktop

Culture strong projection
Plead sanctuary dissinfection

Grand pig traffic difficulty
Skeleton reflect conditionally

Amuse feel breeze
World crumples to it's knees

Split execute legend
Distributor destined

Oil journal decide direction
Time for world view rejection

huh... that wasn't so bad.  Either I'm really good or really bad at Vogon poetry.  I'm not sure which is better.  XD
Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 8


Today's prompt was to write a poem based on a news article.  I decided right away I wanted to stay away from anything related to the pandemic and Covid-19.   I thought astronomy would be a good topic, but nothing was coming to mind as I scrolled through current astronomy news.  Instead the inspiration came from an unexpected source.  This article about how Algae use flagella to trot, gallop and move with gaits all their own.   I got an image in my head of algea running like horses through a valley of wind and grass and then this poem flowed from that.  So as you read this I hope you see as I did a large grassy field with wind softly blowing, and single celled algea galloping in packs. 

Gallop, oh algae, run like the wind,
Your flagella pounding the ground. 
Limbs flailing madly and onward you go, 
Moving without a sound. 

But what of your brain, your nerves within?
You are but merely one cell. 
It appears that none of those matter,
Your galloping spirit it does not quell. 

Four limbs, eight, and sixteen too, 
Each with their own gait and step. 
With so many limbs and water so thick, 
The process is surely a shlep. 

Where are you going, what will you do, 
when you've galloped you way to the end. 
Your flagella pulling you onward and away, 
Your world you may one day transcend. 

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 7


Today's poem is "to write a poem from the point of view of one person/animal/thing from Hieronymous Bosch’s famous (and famously bizarre) triptych The Garden of Earthly Delights."
Before this I had never known about this picture, so it was interesting to look it over and write about it. 

After looking over the image I decided to write about the owl in this zoomed in screenshot of the image. Come, meet the owl king. 

Owl King

I'm an owl, here I sit
In my fountain cactus home. 
Always sitting, always waiting, 
Never do I leave to roam. 

The other birds they bring me gifts,
And lay them at my feet.
For I'm the greatest bird that lives, 
That they will ever meet. 

The gifts they bring are glittery,
And sparkle in the sand. 
Bits of glass and baubles,
Collected throughout the land. 

The lizards on the beach nearby, 
Will make a tasty meal. 
I will go and pluck one up, 
When hungry I do feel. 

In my fountain cactus home,
I am the Owl King.
Always sitting, always waiting, 
In the middle of this spring. 

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam 

Monday, 6 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 6


The prompt for today was to use the Twenty Little Poetry Projects list to create a poem.  The list itself was fairly straight forward, but the trouble for me was coming up with a good topic for the poem for which I could easily to all the things on the list. I eventually took inspiration from my current D&D character and the Arcanis campaign.  Here is a poem inspired by Tana, and a little glimpse into her life before she left the forest.

I am the panther moving through the forest. 
Rawr! I, an elf, move silently. 
Birds chirp above, the smell of fresh earth below, smooth red berries on a bush beside me,
They taste like red. I've had them before. 
I am Tanas of Elonbe. 
Snap! I break another twig underfoot, each step another sound. 
My sword fighting master spoke to me this morning. 
He wants me to become a Laerestri. 
Go, leave the forest, you'll find good humans and become a hero! He tells me. 
The ancient words of peace of our people. 
The hunters became the hunted becoming the hunters for good people. 
Today is a routine patrol. I shoot a dozen arrows into a tree and run up them to the top. 
Tana, the one who stands above the trees and sees for miles. 
Someday I will leave this place and go on my own adventure in human lands. 
I'll be known as the fiery hero!
Find all the good humans. Savior of the elven future!
The bow in my hands reminds me of the ancient words. Never forget. 
It is time for this panther to climb down from this tree and return home. 

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Sunday, 5 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 5

The prompt for today is to write a poem based on an image from a dream. The dream that I picked is a dream that I really did have, about 15 ish years ago.  I forget exactly when I had this dream, but some of the images and feeling from this dream are still strong in my mind.  The song Through Glass by Stone Sour reminds me of this dream so feel free to listen to that song while reading this poem.

I'm a monster. A freak. 
I'm me, but my skin is pale
with patches of scales. 
The ones I see on my arm shimmer slightly. 

I'm hunted. Pursed. 
There are those who want me
Running, hiding constantly. 
But then I'm found and captured. 

I'm in a museum. A zoo. 
A room with plants, grasses, and my bed
my prison now. 
One wall of glass for spectators to watch. 

I manage to escape. Freedom. 
Running up stairs with security behind
I reach the roof. 
I jump and I'm barely able to fly away to awakening. 

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Saturday, 4 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 4

Today's prompt was all about using rhyming words or similar sounding words. This is something I'm quite good at I find, I didn't even need to use a rhyming dictionary to write this.  I decided to go with a poem that expresses my frustration at the global pandemic situation.  So many places on lock down and people self isolating.  While my time working from home has not been so bad, there is still an underlying frustration of not being able to go out and be social around people.  Please enjoy, and hopefully this poem will be something we can look back on in the future to remember this part of our history.

Oh quarantine, 
What a bore it's been, 
Stuck in the in-between, 
Not being seen, 
Nothing to redeem,
This time in self isolation.

Oh self isolation, 
This couch my station, 
The realization, 
That staying home is retaliation,
Against the infestation, 
of Covid-19 in the world. 

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Friday, 3 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 3

Today's prompt was to write about a specific place and include all the little details about it so that it feels like you are there.   I decided to write about a fountain downtown near my workplace that I like to sit near on summer days at lunch.  As for the structure I was having trouble coming up with the words to describe the place, until I decided on haikus.  For some reason they come easily to me so here is a series of haikus describing the fountain that I know as "the fountain of youth".

The fountain of youth
water sparkles down the steps
to the pond below

Sit by waters edge
leaves float by on currents slow
birds chatter nearby

People pass me by
Suits and sleek dresses they wear
off to meet clients

Cool mist splashes me
picked up by a summer breeze
a peaceful lunch break

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Thursday, 2 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 2

For today's prompt the goal was to write a poem that was a self portrait in which a specific action is a metaphor for life.  Playing with the idea of Forest Gump and his "life is like a box of chocolate".  (even though that is a simile, not a metaphor)

I had a lot of trouble with this.  Especially because the action was best if it was something common and every-day.  But life isn't common and boring.  It's magical and an adventure.  Life is bravery.  I couldn't think of anything good.  But the song "Just around the river bend" from Disney's Pocahontas kept popping into my head.  I felt that it had the right idea for what I wanted to write for this prompt but still couldn't come up with any better ideas.  So instead, I took the lyrics of the song and changed them to be more of a self portrait of how I see life.  So please sing along and enjoy!

Just Around the River Bend

What I love most about sunrise is, you never know what the day will bring.
What magic or adventure might be waiting!
Even in the simple tasks a dream just may come true!
Just take a step and try to make it happen.

What's around the river bend? Waiting just around the river bend?
I look one more, colourful and glittery,
Now out the door, spreading joy so merrily,
Come to find my destiny, for me... coming for me.

Am I to be a scientist? a science outreach TV star?
Or perhaps a cosplay and a crafter?
So many things I love to do but which one do I choose? Must I pick one or can I be all of them?

Just around the river bend, waiting just around the river bend!
I look one more, Impact craters research talk,
Now out the door, Pokemon and Ingress walk.
What I'm here for, why do all my dreams extend just around the river bend, just around the river bend?

Should I take the smoothest course?
Flow along so easily.
Save myself anxiety?
Is all my dreaming at an end?

Or is my destiny still somewhere out there?  Just around the river bend!

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 1


It's NaPoWriMo again and I am back to share my poetry.

The prompt for today was to write a poem about your favourite bird.  While I do love blue jays, it's the chickadee that's my favourite so here is my poem.  It's based off the sound of their bird call.


What a happy little bird

Calling out to me

All black and brown and white

Sitting in a tree

Thanks for reading!

Attentea Danaxam