Monday 11 April 2022

NaPoWriMo Day 11


The poetry prompt for today was another rather simple idea, but one that had me stumped most of the morning.  Write a poem about something very large.  My first thought was to write about the universe, the cosmos, the biggest thing you can possibly imagine, but I couldn't find the words to write that poem.  So as I tried to think of what else I could write about, I was sitting on the bus, on my way home from some errands this morning, and the bus went past my favourite used bookstore.  It reminded me of all my fond memories there, and reminded me how much I love the city that I'm currently living in.  Cities are very large, at least compared to people, so as I thought about the city I found words flowing out of me.  So here is my love letter poem to the city that I live in.  The city I love.  Enjoy!

London, Ontario

This city has my heart
I may not have been born or raised here
But it's where I found myself
And forged my soul.

The city grew on me
As moss grows on a rock
Years of university
Adventures to the four corners
And bus hoping around town for work
I have seen its sights
And learned its secrets. 

All the geeky gaming stores
The best used bookshop
Hidden parks and pathways of beauty
And old stone campus buildings
They are mine and I am them
For I have become one with this city. 

This city has my heart
No matter where I roam, this will always be home. 

Thanks for reading!


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