Monday 25 April 2022

NaPoWriMo Day 25


So I don't feel like describing the whole prompt today.  But with the prompt idea I got hooked on the idea of also using alliteration, but in trying to keep with both of those ideas it made this poem more of a story and less of a poem.... maybe?  Where does one draw the line?  I'm not sure, but I hope you enjoy!

The Countess of the Convention

While contemplating the creative endeavors of cosplay
I was confronted by a cloud-like being.
The Countess of the Convention. 

Confused I called out to her
"Clearly you come to me catering to some greater cause!
Convey to me your message!
Let us have a conversation."

"I bring words of caution and concern for the continuation of the convention.
Currently conventions are conflicting.
A congregation of the geek community and all the conflict that comes with it.

We must cut out the contrary attitudes of the geek culture
And cultivate a community of acceptance and caring.

Create a kingdom of commonality
Where all who crave to be among kin
Who are crazy about the same geek culture. 

Construct a code of conduct so that all are cordial to each other.

When all are careful and considerate
Then our community can thrive."

As the Countess of the Convention faded 
I contemplated her words and made a covenant with myself
To comply with her ideas and care for those around me. 

Thanks for reading!


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