Tuesday 5 April 2022

NaPoWriMo Day 5


Today's prompt is to write about a mythical figure doing something unusual.  While I could have written some rather silly combination, my mind went to thinking about this miniature I had seen the night before of a tiny dragon with a tiny dragon hoard.  Usually when people think of dragons they think of large dragons with huge piles of gold and gems.  Well this poem is about a baby dragon who's just getting started and has collected some unusual items.  I hope you enjoy!

There's a tiny baby dragon
With a tiny dragon hoard
Filled with tiny little treasures
Each one lovingly adored. 

Here you'll find some dirty pennies
A paper clip or two
Some thread that sparkles golden
And buttons, there's a few.

Many dice are in the pile
Of different colours, shapes, and size
He really loves the blue one
For it sparkles like his eyes. 

Bits of cloth are all around it
To make it soft and warm
Here is the dragon is safe
When outside it does storm. 

His hoard is full of treasures
But not the kind you would expect
For he sees value and wonder
In items others would neglect. 

In a tiny little crevasse
A dragon lives alone
With his tiny little treasures
He has made himself a home. 

Thanks for reading!


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