Saturday 2 April 2022

NaPoWriMo Day 2


Today's poetry prompt is to take one of the interesting words from @HaggardHawks on twitter and use it as inspiration for a poem.  I learned the word Phanopoeia which means "the creation of an image using language".  I feel that's what poetry often does, so I thought it was a great word to use for my poem, and write a poem that creates an image using my words.   But what image to create?  My mind quickly when to a video game I've been playing recently called Astroneer, and to my favourite planet in that game, Glacio.  I decided to use that as inspiration.  (Also, see below my poem for a drawing I created of that planet.)  I hope my words create the image of what it is like to be exploring Glacio.  Enjoy!


The frozen land stretches out to the horizon in all directions. 
I stand alone on the edge of an icy cliff contemplating my next step. 
A cold wind howls around me, blowing past the obelisks of ice that jut out of the smooth tundra. 
The wisps of plant life near my feet are too thin and fragile to be an impedance. 
Twilight now upon the land as the star sets below the horizon, removing what little warmth there was. 
The stars above begin to glitter in the clear skies as I step back and return to base.  My companion awaits my return. 

Thanks for reading!


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