Thursday 28 April 2022

NaPoWriMo Day 28


Today's poetry prompt is to write a concrete poem.  That's where you write a poem but it's also art in that the shape of the poem is related to the topic of the poem.  While trying to think of what to write about, my mind kept thinking about the concrete poem I wrote back in 2020 for NaPoWriMo.  I really love that poem and I feel like I couldn't come up with something new or better because I would be constantly comparing to that one.  So instead today I'm going to share a poem that I wrote earlier this month but haven't shared yet. Enjoy!

Nicol Bolas, Rakdos, Winota
Three more times my heart breaks
Three more names engraved into my heart
Each name etched in gold
To fill the cracks
Of my kintsugi heart.

Nerds, Smarties, Mylo, Guss
Vega, Andromeda
Orion, Dash, Vector
DI, Ham, Breeze
So many golden scars
My heart so full of love and sadness with each name. 

But now a new name
A name of silver. 
Not a scar, but a permanent mark nonetheless
For here is someone who loves me
Loves me in his own way
As I have loved so many others. 

My heart belongs to Memphis
And his to me
But there is still so much love to give
And to receive.

How glorious it feels to receive
To unknowingly receive!
The flipside of the coin I have tossed so many times. 

A stamp of silver, not a broken name of gold. 

Perhaps there is hope for me yet. 

Thanks for reading!


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