Today's prompt is all about past and future. For "past" a word or inspiration had to come from Lempriere’s Classical Dictionary, while for "future" a word or inspiration had to come from the Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction.
I started by just randomly clicking through each to see what sort of things were listed in each. While looking through the C's in the classical dictionary I thought I saw a word that reminded me of "cryonics". And so when I saw "cryonics" in the Sci-fi dictionary I went back to find the classical word and it was "Crynis". This got an idea going in my mind about needing water from Crynis for the cryonics process. So that you are aware, Crynis is a river in Bithynia. Bithynia is an ancient region of the Roman empire where Turkey exists currently. And cryonics is the practice or technique of deep freezing bodies, usually people. The idea of needing something from the past in order to be able to use this futuristic technique was fun to play with in my head.
As for format I went with free verse so that I could get my idea across without having to worry about structure or rhyming. So here it is. Enjoy!
It's ironic, before humanity can travel the starts we must first travel through time.
All attempts at "warp drive" or "hyper engines" have failed.
We're stuck with our slow conventional propulsion.
To travel our solar system takes years.
To travel the stars, more than a lifetime.
We found a solution: Cryonics.
Frozen in sleep you leave Earth
And wake up lifetimes and lightyears away on a new planet around a new star.
But what of time travel?
To make the solution to cryofreeze a person
You need water from Crynis.
An ancient river from an ancient land.
After finding traces of ancient water in rocks
We knew we needed more.
Time travel to Bithynia
To Crynis and it's flowing waters.
Leaders knew time travel could get out of hand quickly
So it became restricted.
Forbidden to most.
Only scientists in the Cryos Creation Unit can go.
And only to Bithynia
For the holy water that flows in the Crynis
So that humanity may travel the stars.
A journey to the past.
So that we may find our future.
Thanks for reading!
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