Wednesday 21 April 2021

NaPoWriMo Day 21


For today's poetry prompt the challenge is to write a poem that uses lines that have a repetitive setup.  At first I had to decide what repetitive setup I wanted to use for my poem.  That would help determine what the poem would be about.  I decided on the word "obviously".  When repeated over and over it takes on a belittling or bullying tone, that you're better than the person you're talking to.  I thought it would be interesting to use this as a feeling for a poem.  As for what to write about, at first I wanted to pick something geeky, but then the poem took on a tone of the "geek gatekeepers" and that was a little too much for me to want to convey in this poem.  Instead I went with more of a science idea.  In particular I started with the idea that I studied astronomy in university and used that as a launching point.  The poem takes on the voice of someone talking to me about that, and I use this poem to explore the mindset of someone not very well educated.  It's become a major issue, all the people that don't "believe" in scientific facts.  This poem brings that to light. 

To anyone who is well educated you'll be able to tell which parts are exaggerations, which are just plain wrong, and which could be true.  To anyone who knows me you'll know which ones are true for me personally.  There is a mix of all of these in there.   

It's so obvious that each step comes from the previous... perhaps in the future you'll re-think some of the things that you find obvious when making assumptions or conclusions. 


So you studied astronomy?
Obviously you know all about the moon and can name all the planets. 
Obviously you are an expert in all the constellations. 
Obviously you even discovered and named a constellation. 
Obviously you know where the planets are in the sky and which constellation they are in. 
Obviously you can tell me my horoscope.
Obviously you already know which sign I am. 
Obviously you write the horoscopes for the local newspaper. 
Obviously you also predict the weather, it's about as accurate as writing horoscopes. 
Obviously you know the weather around the world at any given time. 
Obviously you are a world traveler and have been everywhere. 
Obviously you have seen and experienced so much. 
Obviously you are super smart. 

Thanks for reading, obviously. 

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