So today's prompt was interesting. It was to write a poem with the idea of looking through a window. What are you looking at? It's a fun idea to play with. Almost right away I was reminded of the song Waving Through A Window a song from the musical Dear Even Hansen. To be honest I haven't seen the musical yet, but I've listened to the soundtrack and I really love it. I really relate to the main character because of his anxiety and this song really resonates with me. So I used this as inspiration for my poem today. Going with free-style again so that I could let my thoughts flow. In the end this poem ended up being a lot darker than I intended. It talks about my inner world, my Oblivious Oblivion as I like to call it. Here is a glimpse into my mind and my anxiety.
Waving Through A Window
Here I sit in my own little room
My Oblivious Oblivion
With a window to view the outside world.
I see those around me
Happy and socializing
I want to be there
To be one of them
But when I try to speak, try to move
I'm blocked
My window keeps me apart.
I wave and smile
But get no responce
No one saw me.
Perhaps that's for the best.
In my Oblivious Oblivion things are simple
Things are easy
It's only me.
It might be lonely
But that is better than embarrassing myself
Saying the wrong thing
Or being socially inept.
No, alone in my world is best.
I've created a world for myself
Filled with reflections
Reflections of the people and things I see through my window.
My window to the world
Sure it may be imaginary
And all in my head
But it's mine and it's real to me.
Some days my world is enough.
Others, I look out my window longingly
Wishing I could be where the people are.
In the rare moment I break free
Free of my little world
I have a moment in the sun.
But often regret it
Something always goes wrong.
I long for the sunlight beyond my window
For friends and smiles and laughs.
But in my little world I'm safe
And perhaps that's for the best.
My Oblivious Oblivion
With the window to the world.
Thanks for reading!
This is one of your deepest poems, Attentea.