Tuesday 6 April 2021

NaPoWriMo Day 6


For today's poem the prompt is to take a line from a book, write a poem with that line as the title, then go back and change the title after the poem is written.  Right away I knew I wanted to use a line from one of Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere books.  There are so many iconic lines and so many good inspirations.  In the end I picked the line.... actually I'm not going to say.  If you are a Sanderson fan it should be pretty obvious what line I picked, or at least what the poem is about.  And if you're not a Sanderson fan, well you should be.  Go read his Cosmere books.  I recommend starting with the Mistborn trilogy, though Warbreaker is also a good book to start with. 😉 

Hope you enjoy today's poem!

The Paladin

Destroying evil is my purpose
My mission
My oath
My cause
I shall not rest until evil has bene purged from the lands.

My singular focus
The drive consumes me
My goal a world free from evil. 

I have travelled with many allies over the years
Each a new personality
To join me in my quest of cleansing the land of evil.

I do not waver in my devotion
I believe in my cause
Nothing will cause me to stray from the path. 

For until the Cosmere is rid of evil
I shall not rest.

Evil must be destroyed. 

Thanks for reading!

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