Friday 2 April 2021

NaPoWriMo Day 2


Today's poetry prompt is to write about the "road not taken".  Basically to think about a choice that made all the difference in your life and perhaps how things could have been different if you have chosen differently.  For me a major choice has been on my mind and I decided to use it for today's poem.  Back in 2012 I left Ontario and moved to Alberta.  It was a big change and it changed my life in a big way, perfect inspiration for this poem. 
As for the writing of the poem the idea that I was "making the trek west" made me think of myself as some sort of pioneer living on the frontier.  Like someone panning for gold or looking for oil, or someone trying to make a life in a barren land.  So I used that idea for the overall tone of the poem. 
So here is today's poem.  Enjoy!

Cross Country Trek

Prospects are slim here
Living is hard
Workin' three part time jobs
And still going hungry

Had a few shiny nuggets come my way
But nothing solid
Nothing that lasts
Just one dead end and dry well after another

One relative encourages me to make the trek west
Join them in greener pastures
With my years of learnin' and skills
I could live like a princess

But my family and friends
This land is my home
I've traveled far before, but always returned
Can I really live it behind?

Time passes and hard times keep coming
It wears on my soul
I deserve so much better in life
So I pack my things and head west. 

Things start out slow
But at least I have a place to stay and a temporary job
Before too long I have a good job and money flows
Let the good times roll!

But it's not good forever
As I learn to live the high life hard times come to the green pasture
I need to tighten by belt
But things are still better than they were those years ago

Years pass and I miss home
But I've made a new life here in the west
And though times have been hard for those around me
I've managed to flourish like a desert rose

What would have become of me if I didn't make the trek?
The road not taken.
Could I have eventually thrived?
Or would I have been beaten down into the dust?

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this very emotive work, Attentea. We are very lucky that you came out here.
