Tuesday, 20 April 2021

NaPoWriMo Day 20


So today's prompt involved a new poetry style for me, the Sijo, a traditional Korean poetry form.  Considering that I'm a fan of the Japanese haiku, I was excited to learn a new style of poetry from an Asian nation.  While writing these poems I found that I'm now a fan of this style.  It has the feel of a haiku, but is a little longer and not as structured as the haiku syllables so I can create a similar feel to a haiku but able to express the idea and feeling better. 

My first poem was inspired by looking out the window of the office building that I work in.  The last line of that poem then reminded me of Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot and that became the inspiration for my second poem.  Enjoy!

Giant Among Ants

I look out the window, on the 25th floor gazing out
Looking over buildings, cars and people are but ants
I am a giant, a mote of dust in the universe. 

Pale Blue Dot

Look over there, a planet teeming with life. 
Every living thing is there, every person you have ever known. 
Living on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam. 

Thanks for reading!

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