Monday 5 April 2021

NaPoWriMo Day 5


So today was an interesting challenge for poem writing.  It was: "find a poem, and then write a new poem that has the shape of the original, and in which every line starts with the first letter of the corresponding line in the original poem".   The prompt writer mentioned a poem that they remembered from their school years and used that as an example.  That alone reminded me of a poem from my grade school years that I still have memorized so I decided to use it for the base poem for my prompt today.  It is Muddy Puddle by Dennis Lee.  Here it is:

While I do love this poem and it's imagery, part of me always cringes at the thought of sitting in a soggy wet muddy puddle and getting wet and gross and dirty.  *shutter*  So I decided to flip this poem around and write about a nice sunny summer morning.  The weather is rather nice here for spring so it helped with the writing.  lol   So here is my new poem.  Enjoy!

Summer Morning

I am standing
In the sunshine
Of a lovely
Monday morning
Wind is blowing
Flowers blooming
And the world here
Feels at peace.

Whistling birds
All around me
Greet the morning
Going on now
As I sit here
Softly humming
To the sweet sounds
Of their calls.

And I feel that
While I sit here
While the world goes
Revolving on
Time to be calm
Is a blessing
I shall enjoy this new day. 

Thanks for reading!

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